Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nylon Overalls Cleaning

Gaddafi at the end?

from FAZ.NET , 22nd 2. 1011

Gaddafi clings to his crumbling power

The dictator is there, but the control of his country, he seems to have been lost. While Libya is more and more out of control, to Muammar al Gaddafi shows a confused brief appearance on television. He wants to maintain his power.

The Libyan leadership is increasingly losing control over the situation in their country. In protest against the violence of the security forces against government opponents distanced themselves Monday night other diplomats from the regime. Soldiers refused to continue to shoot at demonstrators. The Libyan dictator Muammar el Gaddafi made it clear in a confused TV appearance dass er freiwillig die Macht nicht abgeben werde.

Die Lage in dem für ausländische Medien abgeschotteten nordafrikanischen Land spitzt sich weiter zu. Ungeachtet der Versuche von regimetreuen Sicherheitskräften und Söldnern, die Proteste blutig niederzuschlagen, weiteten diese sich weiter aus. Mehrere Städte vor allem im Osten des nordafrikanischen Landes sollen inzwischen unter Kontrolle der Regierungsgegner stehen. In der zweitgrößten Stadt Bengasi sollen ganze Militäreinheiten desertiert sein, wie die in Paris ansässige Internationale Menschenrechtsföderation berichtet. Unterschiedlichen Angaben zufolge wurden seit Beginn der Proteste vor einer Woche bis zu 400 Menschen getötet.

seems the end of the regime close

reports of the Arab television station Al-Jazeera, which the Air Force had attacked demonstrators in Benghazi and Tripoli, Gaddafi's son Seif el-Islam had, however, back. The armed forces had bombed ammunition dumps, which are much higher outside of populated urban areas, but no cities, he was quoted by state television. In protest against the violence announced several employees of the Libyan UN Mission in New York Gaddafi to follow suit. In a statement they called on the Libyan army, the revolutionary leader und sein Regime zu entmachten. Nach Auffassung des stellvertretenden UN-Botschafters Ibrahim Dabbaschi ist das Ende des Machthabers nur noch eine „Frage von Tagen“.

Dabbaschi und seine Kollegen forderten, Gaddafi wegen der von ihm zu verantwortenden Verbrechen vor den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof zu bringen. Sie warfen ihm unter anderem „Völkermord“ an seinem eigenen Volk vor. Zuvor hatte bereits der einflussreiche katarische Theologe Scheich Jussef El Kardawi die libysche Armee zur Ermordung ihres Oberbefehlshabers aufgefordert.

Nach hartnäckigen Gerüchten, Gaddafi had already left the country and sold to Venezuela, the 68-year-old broke his long silence and reported daily on television for the word itself: 22 seconds. He wanted to show that he was still under Tripoli and not in Venezuela, he said in a "live" broadcast from his residence before he got into a carriage for claims to "Youth at the Green Square" to . visit

International protests

takes Abroad, the outrage over the wanton violence against the demonstrators to continue. UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon announced scheduled for Tuesday morning (local time) an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on the situation in Libya. He himself had forty minutes talking on the phone with Gaddafi, Ban said in Los Angeles. He had requested the authorities to end the violence and to respect the rights of the demonstrators. The U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called on the Libyan leadership, the exit "unacceptable bloodshed" immediately.

Almost all EU countries advise their citizens from traveling to Libya from now. More and more countries are also planning the evacuation of citizens from the North African country. Foreign Companies move as early as personnel from Libya.


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