After Ella and Oscar know the transport museum, now in and out and even Oscar the yawns from the repeated sight of a steam engine from the 19th century can not resist, led plan Mamas the fatherless family to the Natural History Museum. "There are stuffed animals," rejoiced the mother had in the museum but discovered that at least Ella's interest in - how to say - preparations was quite clear. An exception was that this was the Anytown, USA had returned home during the day reported it, the fish dar.
"Hmm ... What is your objective boring than a stuffed fish?", One might ask as spontaneous. But there are still some time thinking very many things that are boring. And as Ella's interests apparently inverse of "normal" areas of interest, they showed their enthusiasm for the stones which are on display at the Natural History Museum. Stones ...
the end, Mama already investigated the outcome of the fabulous world of stones and fish, as Ella studied the museum flyer again exactly pointed to a crude pictogram and said, "We have not yet."
right And: There was a separate department most intriguing stones, wanted to beat the mother simply. While Ella
the abstract pictograph so quite successfully interpreted, Oscar is also more and more pleasure in the abstract world. Terms such as "top", "bottom", "three" and long "I" are part of his vocabulary. Concrete can be things like apples, balls or plates not pronounce it. But it is abstract, so beautiful heavy, then proposes to Oscar and leads great conversation. can
that The Tin Drum-Oskar in the picture from Günter Grass "three", the Oscar tell anyone who asks. Excited rocking Oscar is then under the picture. "Top" is the object, which can also say Oscar. And an Oscar is because it, the Oscar now knows well and keeps the Oscar of literature probably for the Oscar of his world. Itself.
But a concrete object currently in shoves Oscar abstract world. For about an hour, namely, that Oscar is concerned with the competence of the nose-blowing your nose and waving back just as long with handkerchiefs around his nose.
Ella has also discovered a new passion. Since yesterday, when she discovered south on their world map a sinking ship of Newfoundland, it is in the Titanic-fever. Every second sentence is about the ill-fated ship. Dad had reports on Youtube and two non-fiction books out looking. Ella's curiosity was not to delete.
Am Vormittag waren die Eltern im Kino. Oma und Opa wurden eingeflogen und normalerweise dreht Ella in dieser Zeit immer vollkommen durch, hängt an irgendwelchen Möbelstücken und hat die Wohnung schnell verwüstet. Nicht so heute.
Versunken in ein Titanic-Buch erzählte sie der neben ihr sitzenden Oma immer wieder von Eisbergen und Schiffen. Oscar und Opa sortierten daneben Memory-Kärtchen. Konzentrierte Stille lag in der Luft, als Mama und Papa nach Hause kamen...
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