Es gibt im Norden Münsters einen Stadtteil namens Kinderhaus. Zwei Dinge weiß ein Jeder über Münster-Kinderhaus: In Münster-Kinderhaus ist das soziale Klima recht rauh, und in Münster-Kinderhaus is the Germany's only Leprosy Museum.
As the district got its strange name, in turn, no one knows so precisely and so we can only assume that TOOK PLACE ages ago in the northern cathedral-like as is currently in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
In Kreuzberg namely Ella love to play with other children and therefore has discovered the huge potential of their home. It was on Monday when the parents of a child-fixated child Ella was fixed monster game, the parents were only for breakfast and bed-ins Bring to face.
upon collection of the day care center, the unsuspecting parents then with the already among the children sealed face appointments. Parents are then reported whether that may only be picked up more pairs assigned to children, or whether other parents are chosen as host.
is especially beautiful, of course, if Ella is the hostess, as the doors of almost all houses here are generally open in the afternoon. The children of the children scurry home now in this, now in that apartment and suddenly need not Keep the fun by their parents.
For parents, it feels like as if the day now three hours more, because to 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. suddenly more meaningful things to be done as a 100-part puzzle on legen oder Conni-Bücher vorzulesen... Wann die Kinderparty endet, bestimmen die Kinder in der Regel auch selber: Kurz vor 18:00 tauscht man sich hier aus, welches Abendbrot in welcher Wohnung zu erwarten ist. Schreit Janek "Bei uns gibt's Bratwurst!", is(s)t Ella abends halt auswärts. Gibt's bei Janek auch nur Brot, sitzt er halt mit bei uns. Am Donnerstag gab es bei Janek eine ganz besonders feine Kreation: Pommes mit Kroketten - auch genannt "zweierlei frittiertes Kartoffelmehl". Ella war natürlich dabei.
Die WG neben uns hat wohl nun auch endgültig begriffen, dass sie in einem Kinderhaus gelandet ist. Dass manchmal die Kinder nämlich auch in eben jene Studenten-WG stürmen, wenn the door was opened carelessly, just as there have been swallowed as the fact that children have easy times the floor mats of the apartments reversed. We now have the flat floor mats in front of our door and the WG. Do not disturb this the children will finally have their reasons, and the bosses they are the bottom line anyway here in Kreuzberg-kindergarten.
For Oscar, the insect-like muddle up in our house, incidentally, is similarly varied as for his parents, because Oscar is sadly still bound relatively stationary.
This "station" is his own nursery. There he sits and plays in the afternoon. Sometimes storm three to four children of the house him and play around with it or around it. As suddenly as the swarm has come to leave the swarm - possibly at a secret signal - the room and humming in a different floor of the house.
Oscar understands that he must not only into the stairwell and he has this strange little boys, who comes again and again is simply done what he did with all the things that he does not continue can explain: he has accepted it. At some point the parents will give the green light and then allowed to Oscar buzz with all the other kids around the house and complement the swarm by another mosquito.
Before Oscar mosquito may be, he gives us first unique insight into its genome. And what is written here? Oscar is a grudge.
Oscars worst experience this week was probably the fact that Leo-Ben, Kita-mate Oscar, Oscar bit into his hand.
No one knows why Leo-Ben did. Maybe Oscar has said something stupid to him, and Oscar's vocabulary does not allow many insults ("eggs", "Kreua" -> Elephant, "Construction" -> blue - these are not the words, where one feels compelled to biting attacks ), in each case, however, took Leo-Ben Oscar's hand and bit into it.
Oscar, however, knew that Leo might not be Ben, the memory of a Kreuas (elephants) has. Listens Oscar even the name of Leo-Ben darkened his face. He comes very close to him who gave the name, that of horror shows his hand and says "ouch". Today
then visited Oscar and Leo-Ben together a flea market. Oscar tribute to the biter not look. Oscar is snapped. We simply wait at times, as Leo-Ben of this number comes back out.
The Abschlussanekdote one but the big sister of the unforgiving: Ella was launched today from daddy in the world of plug kicker table. Every weekend, the plan should be updated the table. Ella was initially quite impressed by the turmoil in dad's collection of tiny cardboard arms and obviously proud to be they Cottbus FSV Frankfurt and SC Paderborn was in chaos.
were sorted when all the coats of arms, Ella was happy with second place still their Leverkusen, was because she realized how bad it is for moms Schalke.
"Look," said Ella or set completely. "Schalke is eleventh."
break. Ella stares at the table. Thinking ... Eleventh ... Then Ella
is quite Gelsenkirchen Erin and collapses. Howling, she cowers on the plug-in table, then runs to my mom. "Howls Schalke Eleventh ...", Ella and Mama, himself not too pleased about it, trying to comfort.
dad stuck now the plug-table to the refrigerator, thinking about his Family to ...
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