Jahresprogramm 2011
18:02:11 lecture Zeitlhöfler Reinhard "wild fruit in the garden", 19:00 Clock Inn Geiger
04:03:11 AGM 19:00 clock inn Geiger Oberried Eder lecture "Water in the Garden"
08:04:11 DIY an Easter candle with his wife Schötz school Drachselsried
14:04:11 garlands bind for Easter fountain at Anne Marie Kopp
01:05:11 maypole setting up with service and lottery
26.06.11 Corpus Christi participation in the church procession, decoration of the altar at the church
02:07:11 club outing , upper Mühlviertel, visit to a blue print and alpine herb garden
13:08:11 herbs Busch binding
11:09:11 ; fair in Oberried with participation in the church procession
07:10:11 lecture Mrs. Boyen "Heaven and Hell", genius Sens value of apple and potato
06:12:11 Nicholas in the village square Oberried Because the seat Advent
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Excuse Letter For Being Absent In School Sample
For example, the Verprügeltwerden
Papa do not know exactly how many women would give anything in this world for a night spent with him recently in his tidy work relatively well. Particularly many there should not be, but by a young lady is just that unknown.
Ella, it was the practice until a few weeks, could always sleep from Thursday to Friday in the study. The best was from Ella's point of view because of course that Daddy always to eventually crawled to get together with you to snore through the night and grunt. Thursdays were for Ella, therefore, the kings of the week.
"What if the planetarium no More tickets for us. "? Asked his little daughter, dad on a Thursday and what this little girl replied," Papa, "said it," You know: On a Thursday bother me at all. For this is my favorite day, "
some point, when Ella then each night between Friday and Wednesday (sometimes even at night) to his parents' bed crawled, was reformed Ella, the latest stage, have to earn the nights with his father now -.. Is :.. sleep in your own bed for each night's sleep in the morning Ella receives an ironing Pearl incredibly high symbolic value case recently for three fuse beads she wins a night with Papa
. Seitdem stehen zwei Eierbecher bei uns in der Küche. Oscar, der zu wenig nächtlicher Theatralik neigt, wählte einen blauen ("bau") Eierbecher und durfte fortan fast jeden Morgen eine Bügelperle ("bau") hinein tun. Daneben stand frustriert seine große Schwester.
Im Übrigen fiel uns für den anspruchslosen Oscar so schnell auch gar keine Belohnung ein, die er bei drei Bügelperlen erhalten könne. Als Oscar dies durchblickte, hörte er auf, Bügelperlen zu sammeln und jammerte sich nachts wieder ins Elternbett.
Und heute Nacht ist dann soweit: Während in Los Angelos die große Oscar-Nacht gefeiert wird, steigt in Berlin die große Ella-Nacht, denn in dem Moment, wo dieser Text is typed, Ella carried into the study. What happened?
Well, Ella has in recent days Einschlafmethode discovered for themselves that is not devoid of illogical and devoid of self-destruction impulse, so far may have been the ideal Einschlafmethode our daughter.
This method is as follows: Ella and Oscar lie side by side to 19:10 on a mattress that is either next Oscars or Ellas bed. 19:20 Oscar begins flogging Ella. Wrongly, in our opinion beats, an Oscar on his defenseless sister. Why does Ella
stresses are so vulnerable, is still not analyzed further. It is clear that we are out of the nursery zwischen 19:20 und 19:30 monotone "Aua. Aua. Aua."-Schreie vernehmen, manchmal auch das monoton vorgetragene "Oscarhörauf. Oscarhörauf. Oscarhörauf."
Wenn wir dann nach etwa 10 Minuten nachsehen, finden wir Ella regungslos auf der Matratze liegen und Oscar grinsend auf Ella einprügeln. ZACK - Oscarhörauf - ZACK - Oscarhörauf - ZACK - Oscarhörauf. Talentierte DJs könnten einen schönen Trance-Song aus diesem Klangteppich, der Minuten lang gleichbleibend durchs Kinderzimmer wummert, kreieren.
Fragt man Ella dann, ob sie Lust hat, die Prügelebene zu verlassen und in ihr Hochbett zu steigen, so sagt sie "Ja", steigt nach oben und schläft dort dann all night. Three times in a row, the four-fight "lie down, being beaten up, lie down to sleep through the top," now already works, and Ella even reports of them at breakfast.
"If I lie down afterwards," Ella speaks with mouth full breakfast, and then tell me if Oscar ever skin, then I set myself up and sleep. " Any one of the parents then asked whether this must really be if one could not a part of the sequence, for example, omit the Verprügeltwerden, but Ella never looked back. So and not otherwise it can fall asleep. It almost seems as if it were her violent brother grateful.
Ella is still fascinated von der Titanic. Vieles wird vom gesunkenen Ozeanriesen berichtet und da Ella auch gerne mal Kinder zu Besuch hat, die von der Schiffskatastrophe noch gar nichts wissen, gibt Ella ihr Wissen gerne weiter. Und wenn Ellas Logopädin nicht bald zum absoluten Durchbruch kommt, wird es vielen Kindern Kreuzbergs so ergehen, wie es derzeit Seyni ergeht, die nach einem Spielenachmittag bei Ella ihrer Mutter von der unglaublichen Geschichte der "Kikanik" erzählte. Hoffen wir von daher, dass Ellas nächste Leidenschaft keine Ts enthält.
Zum Abschluss mal wieder Oscar. Oscar ist ja eigentlich sehr lieb und umgänglich. Dass er zur Zeit furchtbar gerne auch mal zuhaut und im Anschluss jede Form der Entschuldigung ablehnt, ändert nichts an unserer unconditional love. Sometimes, however, this may surprise the majority now do not necessarily think Oscar stinks as well.
Mama says it is usually: "Oscar, you stink like a hoopoe." What we once took as an opportunity to search for the origin of this formulation. Dad had no idea and suggested that the hoopoe most likely due to its phonetic proximity to the ring cake is a pastry. Far from it: The Hoopoe is a bird. And as Oscar, he is particularly attractive form. When the hoopoe feels threatened, it secretes - and the behavior is similar to the Oscars - from its preen gland from a foul-smelling secretion.
Mom and Dad were delighted with the newly acquired biological knowledge. Oscars preen gland was freed after this knowledge with great understanding of the foul-smelling secretion.
Papa do not know exactly how many women would give anything in this world for a night spent with him recently in his tidy work relatively well. Particularly many there should not be, but by a young lady is just that unknown.
Ella, it was the practice until a few weeks, could always sleep from Thursday to Friday in the study. The best was from Ella's point of view because of course that Daddy always to eventually crawled to get together with you to snore through the night and grunt. Thursdays were for Ella, therefore, the kings of the week.
"What if the planetarium no More tickets for us. "? Asked his little daughter, dad on a Thursday and what this little girl replied," Papa, "said it," You know: On a Thursday bother me at all. For this is my favorite day, "
some point, when Ella then each night between Friday and Wednesday (sometimes even at night) to his parents' bed crawled, was reformed Ella, the latest stage, have to earn the nights with his father now -.. Is :.. sleep in your own bed for each night's sleep in the morning Ella receives an ironing Pearl incredibly high symbolic value case recently for three fuse beads she wins a night with Papa
. Seitdem stehen zwei Eierbecher bei uns in der Küche. Oscar, der zu wenig nächtlicher Theatralik neigt, wählte einen blauen ("bau") Eierbecher und durfte fortan fast jeden Morgen eine Bügelperle ("bau") hinein tun. Daneben stand frustriert seine große Schwester.
Im Übrigen fiel uns für den anspruchslosen Oscar so schnell auch gar keine Belohnung ein, die er bei drei Bügelperlen erhalten könne. Als Oscar dies durchblickte, hörte er auf, Bügelperlen zu sammeln und jammerte sich nachts wieder ins Elternbett.
Und heute Nacht ist dann soweit: Während in Los Angelos die große Oscar-Nacht gefeiert wird, steigt in Berlin die große Ella-Nacht, denn in dem Moment, wo dieser Text is typed, Ella carried into the study. What happened?
Well, Ella has in recent days Einschlafmethode discovered for themselves that is not devoid of illogical and devoid of self-destruction impulse, so far may have been the ideal Einschlafmethode our daughter.
stresses are so vulnerable, is still not analyzed further. It is clear that we are out of the nursery zwischen 19:20 und 19:30 monotone "Aua. Aua. Aua."-Schreie vernehmen, manchmal auch das monoton vorgetragene "Oscarhörauf. Oscarhörauf. Oscarhörauf."
Wenn wir dann nach etwa 10 Minuten nachsehen, finden wir Ella regungslos auf der Matratze liegen und Oscar grinsend auf Ella einprügeln. ZACK - Oscarhörauf - ZACK - Oscarhörauf - ZACK - Oscarhörauf. Talentierte DJs könnten einen schönen Trance-Song aus diesem Klangteppich, der Minuten lang gleichbleibend durchs Kinderzimmer wummert, kreieren.
Fragt man Ella dann, ob sie Lust hat, die Prügelebene zu verlassen und in ihr Hochbett zu steigen, so sagt sie "Ja", steigt nach oben und schläft dort dann all night. Three times in a row, the four-fight "lie down, being beaten up, lie down to sleep through the top," now already works, and Ella even reports of them at breakfast.
"If I lie down afterwards," Ella speaks with mouth full breakfast, and then tell me if Oscar ever skin, then I set myself up and sleep. " Any one of the parents then asked whether this must really be if one could not a part of the sequence, for example, omit the Verprügeltwerden, but Ella never looked back. So and not otherwise it can fall asleep. It almost seems as if it were her violent brother grateful.
Ella is still fascinated von der Titanic. Vieles wird vom gesunkenen Ozeanriesen berichtet und da Ella auch gerne mal Kinder zu Besuch hat, die von der Schiffskatastrophe noch gar nichts wissen, gibt Ella ihr Wissen gerne weiter. Und wenn Ellas Logopädin nicht bald zum absoluten Durchbruch kommt, wird es vielen Kindern Kreuzbergs so ergehen, wie es derzeit Seyni ergeht, die nach einem Spielenachmittag bei Ella ihrer Mutter von der unglaublichen Geschichte der "Kikanik" erzählte. Hoffen wir von daher, dass Ellas nächste Leidenschaft keine Ts enthält.
Zum Abschluss mal wieder Oscar. Oscar ist ja eigentlich sehr lieb und umgänglich. Dass er zur Zeit furchtbar gerne auch mal zuhaut und im Anschluss jede Form der Entschuldigung ablehnt, ändert nichts an unserer unconditional love. Sometimes, however, this may surprise the majority now do not necessarily think Oscar stinks as well.
Mama says it is usually: "Oscar, you stink like a hoopoe." What we once took as an opportunity to search for the origin of this formulation. Dad had no idea and suggested that the hoopoe most likely due to its phonetic proximity to the ring cake is a pastry. Far from it: The Hoopoe is a bird. And as Oscar, he is particularly attractive form. When the hoopoe feels threatened, it secretes - and the behavior is similar to the Oscars - from its preen gland from a foul-smelling secretion.
Mom and Dad were delighted with the newly acquired biological knowledge. Oscars preen gland was freed after this knowledge with great understanding of the foul-smelling secretion.
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Libya - a monster of a state.
from FAZ.NET, 27.2. 2011
Auf einen scheiternden Staat am südlichen Rand des Mittelmeeres ist die EU in keiner Weise vorbereitet. Im Auswärtigen Amt heißt es, man werde auch Libyen eine Transformationspartnerschaft anbieten. Aber in einem Land ohne Zivilgesellschaft, ohne politische Parteien ist completely unclear who could be the partner.
from FAZ.NET, 27.2. 2011
While fighting in Tripoli is still struggling, the east of the country have been celebrating the liberation days. Apparently, there is a large part of the regular military refused the order to fire. From the westlibyschen Suwara there are reports that soldiers opened their arsenal and to plunder freely gave to make the firing commands can no longer follow.
built a state must be
Where is Gaddafi's power broken, cheered and prayed, but there are no new names, no detailed figures, no obvious new power. At best, a makeshift militia ensure order. Already is emerging: the exempted Libya will be a country without rule of law. Finally, forty years Gaddafi has systematically prevented that caused state structures. In the "state of the masses" there should be people and leaders. In Libya, it will go, therefore, not democratization, but to build a state.
Dass das geordnet abläuft, scheint kaum vorstellbar. Im Idealfall würden sich die Führer der Stämme, als einzig funktionierende Machtstruktur, zu einer Regierung zusammenschließen. Wahrscheinlicher aber ist, dass nach dem Ende Gaddafis eine Zeit der Abrechnung beginnt. Und der Kampf um die Kontrolle über den libyschen Reichtum: das Erdöl, das in den nur schwach bevölkerten Gebieten gefördert wird.
Auf einen scheiternden Staat am südlichen Rand des Mittelmeeres ist die EU in keiner Weise vorbereitet. Im Auswärtigen Amt heißt es, man werde auch Libyen eine Transformationspartnerschaft anbieten. Aber in einem Land ohne Zivilgesellschaft, ohne politische Parteien ist completely unclear who could be the partner.
from New York Times, 27th 2. 2011
from New York Times, 27th 2. 2011
"At the appropriate time, we will open the arms depots so all Libyans and tribes will be armed," he shouted into a hand-held microphone at dusk Friday, "so that Libya turns red with fire!"
That is indeed the fear of those watching the carnage in Libya, not least because Colonel Qaddafi spent the last 40 years hollowing out every single institution that might challenge his authority. Unlike neighboring Egypt and Tunisia, Libya lacks the steadying hand of a military to buttress a collapsing government. It has no Parliament, no trade unions, no political parties, no civil society, no nongovernmental agencies. Its only strong ministry is the state oil company. The fact that some experts think the next government might be built atop the oil ministry underscores the paucity of options.
The worst-case scenario should the rebellion topple him, and one that concerns American counterterrorism officials, is that of Afghanistan or Somalia — a failed state where Al Qaeda or other radical groups could exploit the chaos and operate with impunity.
But there are others who could step into any vacuum, including Libya’s powerful tribes or a pluralist coalition of opposition forces that have secured the east of the country and are tightening their vise near the capital.
Optimists hope that the opposition’s resolve persists; pessimists worry that unity will last only until Colonel Qaddafi is gone, and that a bloody witch hunt will ensue afterward.
“It is going to be a political vacuum,” said Lisa Anderson, the president of the American University in Cairo and a Libya expert, suggesting that chances are high for a violent period of score-settling. “I don’t think it is likely that people will want to put down their weapons and go back to being bureaucrats.”
There is a short list of Libyan institutions, but each has limits. None of the tribes enjoy national reach, and Colonel Qaddafi deliberately set one against the other, dredging up century-old rivalries even in his latest speeches.
There are a few respected but elderly members of the original 12-member Revolutionary Command Council who joined Colonel Qaddafi in unseating the king in 1969. Some domestic and exiled intellectuals hope that Libya can resurrect the pluralistic society envisioned by the 1951 Constitution, though without a monarch.
And there is the wild card, such as Colonel Qaddafi’s feat at age 27 as a junior officer when he engineered a bloodless coup against a feeble monarchy.
The greatest fear — and one on which experts differ — is that Al Qaeda or Libya’s own Islamist groups, which withstood fierce repression and may have the best organizational skills among the opposition, could gain power.
“We’ve been concerned from the start of the unrest that A.Q. and its affiliates will look for opportunities to exploit any disarray,” said a United States counterterrorism official, referring to Al Qaeda.
Of these affiliates, he mentioned the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, formed by the veterans who fought the Soviets in Afghanistan, and Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, the network’s North African affiliate, which hastened to endorse the Libyan uprising last week.
Those groups “could be more successful” in Libya than militants have been so far in Egypt, the counterterrorism official said. “Our counterterrorism experts are watching for any signs that these groups might gain a new foothold there.”
Frederic Wehrey, a senior policy analyst at the RAND Corporation who just returned from a three-week trip to Libya, said Al Qaeda might try to exploit tribal unrest and seize footholds in the vast ungoverned spaces of southwestern Libya, near the Algerian border. But he added that Sufi Islam, a mystical form of the religion popular among Libyans, has been resistant to the most extreme forms of Salafism favored by Al Qaeda.
“Al Qaeda is very skillful at exploiting tribal grievances, so that’s a concern in the south,” Mr. Wehrey said. “But in terms of whether Libyans are primed for Al Qaeda’s narrative, I don’t think that’s as ominous as some might suspect.”
To answer the threats that after the Qaddafis comes either an Islamic or tribal deluge, Mustafa Mohamed Abud al-Jeleil, the justice minister who defected to the east, held a forum this week in the eastern city of Baida. It brought together tribal leaders, former military commanders and others who pledged future cooperation.
“We want one country — there is no Islamic emirate or Al Qaeda anywhere,” Mr. Abud al-Jeleil told Al Jazeera . “Our only goal is to liberate Libya from this regime and to allow the people to choose the government that they want.”
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uprising in Libya - an interim report.
aus New York Times, 25. 2. 2011
Colonel Qaddafi’s evident frustration at the resistance in Zawiyah spilled out in a rant by telephone over the state television network charging that Osama bin Laden had drugged the town’s youth into a rebellious frenzy.
Tawfik al-Shohiby, one of the rebels, said that in the early days of the revolt one of his relatives bought $75,000 in automatic weapons from arms dealers on the Egyptian border and distributed them to citizens’ groups in towns like Bayda.
Nonetheless, protesters in Tripoli were calling for a massive demonstration on Friday after noon prayers, residents of the city and those fleeing the country said. In recent days, witnesses said, Colonel Qaddafi appears to have pulled many of his militiamen and mercenaries back toward the capital to prepare for its defense.
aus New York Times, 25. 2. 2011
Libyan Rebels Repel Qaddafi’s Forces Near Tripoli
BENGHAZI, Libya — Rebels seeking to overturn the 40-year rule of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi repelled a concerted assault by his forces on Thursday on cities close to the capital, removing any doubt that Libya’s patchwork of protests had evolved into an increasingly well-armed revolutionary movement.
The series of determined stands by rebel forces on Thursday — especially in the strategic city of Zawiyah, near important oil resources and 30 miles from the capital, Tripoli — presented the gravest threat yet to the Libyan leader. In Zawiyah, more than 100 people were killed as Colonel Qaddafi’s forces turned automatic weapons on a mosque filled with protesters, a witness said. Still, residents rallied afterward.
Colonel Qaddafi’s evident frustration at the resistance in Zawiyah spilled out in a rant by telephone over the state television network charging that Osama bin Laden had drugged the town’s youth into a rebellious frenzy.
“Al Qaeda is the one who has recruited our sons,” he said in a 30-minute tirade broadcast by the network. “It is bin Laden.”
Colonel Qaddafi said, “Those people who took your sons away from you and gave them drugs and said ‘Let them die’ are launching a campaign over cellphones against your sons, telling them not to obey their fathers and mothers.”
The violence on Thursday underscored the contrast between the character of Libya’s revolution and the uprising that toppled autocrats in neighboring Egypt and Tunisia. Unlike those Facebook -enabled youth rebellions, the insurrection here has been led by people who are more mature and who have been actively opposing the government for some time. It started with lawyers’ syndicates that have campaigned peacefully for two years for a written constitution and some semblance of a rule of law.
Fueled by popular anger, the help of breakaway leaders of the armed forces and some of their troops, and weapons from looted military stockpiles or smuggled across the border, the uprising here has escalated toward more violence in the face of increasingly brutal government crackdowns.
At the revolt’s starting point, in the eastern city of Benghazi, Fathi Terbil, 39, the human rights lawyer whose detention first ignited the protests, drew a map of rebel-held territory in striking distance of Tripoli. “It is only a matter of days,” he said.
A turning point in the uprising’s evolution was arguably the defection of the interior minister, Abdel Fattah Younes al-Abidi, an army general who had been a close ally of Colonel Qaddafi.
The break by General Abidi, who has family roots near the revolt’s eastern origins, encouraged other disaffected police, military and state security personnel to change sides as well. “We are hoping to use his experience,” said Mr. Terbil, who some called the linchpin of the revolt.
Opposition figures in rebel-held cities like Benghazi have been appearing on cable news channels promising that opponents of Colonel Qaddafi are heading toward Tripoli to bolster the resistance there. Their ability to carry out those assertions remains to be seen.
In parts of the country, the revolutionaries, as they call themselves, appear to have access to potentially large stores of weapons, including small arms and heavy artillery, automatic weapons smuggled from the Egyptian border and rocket-propelled grenades taken from army bases, like the Kabila in Benghazi.
Tawfik al-Shohiby, one of the rebels, said that in the early days of the revolt one of his relatives bought $75,000 in automatic weapons from arms dealers on the Egyptian border and distributed them to citizens’ groups in towns like Bayda.
So far, at least in the east, many of the weapons appear to be held in storage to defend against a future attempt by Colonel Qaddafi’s forces to retake the territory. At a former security services building in Benghazi on Thursday, men in fatigues prepared to transport anti-aircraft and antitank weapons to what one said was a storage depot.
Like their counterparts in Tunisia and Egypt, the rebels in Libya have shown tech-savvy guile in circumventing government efforts to block their communication. To sidestep the government’s blocking of the Internet and curbing of cellphone access, for example, some of the more active antigovernment protesters distribute flash drives and CDs with videos of the fighting to friends in other towns and to journalists.
Mr. Shohiby began helping lead an effort this week to shuttle foreign journalists from the Egyptian border to towns across eastern Libya.
His network of contacts was built on the Internet: not on Facebook, but on a popular soccer Web site. “I have friends from east to west, north to south,” he said. “There are two guys in Sabha, one in Zawiyah, three friends in Misurata, for example,” he said, speaking of towns that were the scenes of some of the clashes on Thursday.
Still, Mohammed Ali Abdallah, deputy secretary general of an opposition group in exile, The National Front for the Salvation of Libya, said the government’s fierce crackdown made organizing the spontaneous uprising a continuing challenge, especially in heavily guarded Tripoli.
“It is almost like hit and runs,” he said. “There are almost no ways that those young guys can organize themselves. You can’t talk on a mobile phone, and if five people get together in the street they get shot.”
Nonetheless, protesters in Tripoli were calling for a massive demonstration on Friday after noon prayers, residents of the city and those fleeing the country said. In recent days, witnesses said, Colonel Qaddafi appears to have pulled many of his militiamen and mercenaries back toward the capital to prepare for its defense.
But despite the encroaching insurrection, Colonel Qaddafi appeared determined on Thursday to put on a show of strength and national unity, a stark turnabout from his approach so far.
Since the start of the uprising, his government had shut out all foreign journalists, cut off communications and even confiscated mobile phone chips, and other devices that might contain pictures, at the border from people fleeing the country. Libya had warned that reporters who entered the country illegally risked arrest and could be deemed collaborators of Al Qaeda.
But on Thursday, Colonel Qaddafi’s son and heir apparent Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi announced on television that the government would allow teams of journalists to visit Tripoli. Witnesses said preparations for the visit were already under way.
The soldiers and mercenaries who had previously roamed the streets had largely disappeared by the late afternoon, leaving only traffic police officers, and the capital’s central Green Square — the scene of violent clashes earlier this week — had been cleaned up. Two banners, in English, now adorned the square. “ Al Jazeera , BBC , don’t spread lies that reflect other’s wishful thinking,” one read. The other: “Family members talk but never fight between each other.”
But the rebels’ unexpected strength was undeniable on Thursday as they appeared to hold or contest several towns close to Colonel Qaddafi’s stronghold in Tripoli in the face of a coordinated push by his mercenaries and security forces.
In Misurata, 130 miles the east of the capital, Colonel Qaddafi’s forces struck at rebels guarding the airport with rocket-propelled grenades and mortar shells, The Associated Press reported. But the rebels seized an anti-aircraft gun used by the militias and turned it against them.
In Zuwarah, 75 miles west of the capital, the police and security forces had pulled out and a “people’s committee” was controlling the city, several people who had fled across the border reported. “The people are taking care of their own business,” said Basem Shams, 26, a fisherman.
In Sabratha, 50 miles west of the capital, witnesses reported that the police headquarters and offices of Colonel Qaddafi’s revolutionary committees were all in smoldering ruins. “We are not afraid; we are watching,” said a doctor by telephone from Sabratha. “What I am sure about, is that change is coming.”
In Zawiyah, an envoy from Colonel Qaddafi had reportedly arrived to warn rebels on Wednesday: “Either leave or you will see a massacre,” one resident told The A.P.
About 5 a.m. Thursday, Colonel Qaddafi’s forces fulfilled their threat. Witnesses said a force that included about 60 foreign mercenaries assaulted a central mosque where some of the roughly 2,000 protesters had sought refuge. One witness said the protesters were armed mainly with rifles, sticks and knives, but after four hours of fighting they managed to hold the square.
About 100 people were killed and 200 were wounded, this witness said. During a telephone interview with him, a voice could be heard over a loudspeaker in the background telling the crowd, in an area known as Martyrs Square, not to be afraid.
“People came to send a clear message: We are not afraid of death or your bullets,” one resident told The A.P. “This regime will regret it. History will not forgive them.”
Meanwhile, the violence sowed concern across the region and beyond. President Obama spoke Thursday, in separate calls, with President Nicolas Sarkozy of France and the prime ministers of Britain and Italy, David Cameron and Silvio Berlusconi .
The White House said the leaders expressed “deep concern” over the Libyan government’s use of force and discussed possible responses, without specifying what steps they were prepared to take.
Kareem Fahim reported from Benghazi, and David D. Kirkpatrick from the Tunisian border with Libya. Reporting was contributed by Sharon Otterman, Mona El-Naggar and Neil MacFarquhar from Cairo, and Robert F. Worth from Tunis.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
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Holodomor - Stalin and the Ukraine.
The inability The new, pro-Russian Ukrainian government is trying to slow the critical reappraisal of the story - without much success
In the diplomatic bag at Wikileaks is not only amusing, it is also instructive. From this source can be a historical-political chess game reconstruct the last few years: it concerns the Stalin-era famine in Ukraine. If we are a "confidential" report of 29 give faith in October 2008, Russian President Medvedev several colleagues wrote letters on this matter. In it, he warns them against the famine - as desired by the Ukraine - as "genocide" to condemn. Turning to the President of Azerbaijan, said Medvedev to, then, when this approach is different, his country would write off the occupied territory of Nagorno Karabakh to Armenia once and for all. Clear message from Moscow: shoulder to shoulder in the historical debate against (if any) support in a territorial dispute.
Why the dispute at the highest level at an event of 1932/33? The famine of that time has become Ukraine's most important focal point of collective memory. She urged estimated three to six million victims, it was a result of Stalin's brutal durchgesetzter Kollektivierung der Landwirtschaft bei gleichzeitig forcierten Getreideexporten, womöglich auch der Nationalitätenpolitik in einer «unzuverlässigen» Region. Die Hungersnot, auf Ukrainisch «Holodomor» (wörtlich Hunger-Massensterben), war keine Naturkatastrophe.
Weltweites Echo
Nach der prowestlichen «orangen Revolution» schrieb die neue Regierungsmannschaft das Gedenken an den Holodomor auf ihre Fahnen. Der bis 2010 amtierende Präsident Juschtschenko liess in Kiew am Hang über dem Dnjepr Bäumchen pflanzen, eines für jedes von der Hungersnot hinweggeraffte Dorf. Der Geheimdienst öffnete seine Archive, um die Dokumente seiner sowjetischen Vorläufer sprechen zu lassen. Gegen Stalin und seine Führungsriege wurde sogar ein Gerichtsverfahren angestrengt - vermutlich das erste seit seinem Tod; da die mutmasslichen Täter nicht mehr lebten, musste es bald eingestellt werden.
Höhepunkt dieser Offensive war es, die Hungersnot zum gegen die Ukrainer als Nation gerichteten sowjetischen «Genozid» zu erklären. Kiews Diplomaten warben weltweit für diese Sichtweise. Der amerikanische Kongress verurteilte 2008 in einer Resolution den «ukrainischen Hungersnot-Genozid». Das Europäische Parliament avoided this stimulus word, but lamented a "terrible crime against the Ukrainian people and against humanity."
as a year ago, the "orange" forces lost the election, it was so over. The Holodomor first disappeared from the site of the new, pro-Moscow Yanukovich. Now is to apply a visual way that is digestible for the official Russia. This is, interestingly, not the denial of the crime, but the emphasis on the fact that organized by Stalin famine victims demanded elsewhere, so in the southern Russian regions and especially in Kazakhstan (only there for two million deaths). Als habe man eine panische Angst davor, eine einzelne Opfergruppe hervorzuheben - und damit eine unerwünschte Zuordnung von Schuld zu erleichtern. Das erinnert an Putins als bahnbrechend gefeierten Besuch im westrussischen Katyn 2010, als er des Massakers an den polnischen Offizieren gedachte. Doch Putin erwähnte die Polen erst an zweiter Stelle nach den sowjetischen Opfern Stalins, denen er den grösseren Teil seiner Rede widmete. Die russische Unfähigkeit zu trauern führte immer wieder zu merkwürdigen Sprachregelungen: In den Gedenkstätten der einstigen Sowjetunion traten nicht Juden, sondern «Sowjetbürger» als Opfer des Holocaust auf.
Doch die Konkurrenz der Opfer verläuft by their own laws, and the genocide debate continues. The Kiev journalist Mykola Rjabtschuk refers back to an array of 22 Stalin January 1933, in which the "mass emigration of peasants" from Ukraine to the north in search of bread is criticized. This would leave "by enemies of Soviet power, organized by social revolutionaries and agents of Poland". The institutions are instructed to arrest fleeing peasants and "to read the counter-revolutionary elements, the other to transport to their homes." The partitioning of the Soviet internal borders with Ukraine, the increasing control of Ukrainian culture, the rapid settlement of tens of thousands of Russian peasants in the depopulated Areas, all this points, so Rjabtschuk, pointed to the deterioration of a specific ethnic group: thus not (only) a crime against a social class, but genocide.
This debate about the exclusivity of suffering seems rather academic. However, the Holodomor in Ukraine has long been the point of identification. Even after the change of power last year introduced the state mapping service in Kiev a map. In her 7100 Holodomor monuments, memorial plaques and crosses are recorded from many villages in the Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine. With figural representations, the artists have often turned to the subject of the Pietà. Meanwhile has also the president second thoughts and presents on its website a selection of documents and historical photographs on famine. For Holodomor Remembrance Day on 27 November, he spoke not of genocide, but of apocalyptic "Armageddon."
total contrast to the memory of the Second World War. This memory divides the country. This is particularly true for the heritage of the nationalists, their organizations and the OUN affiliated partisans of the "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA). The Nationalists had hoped the 1941 German invasion of the Soviet Union, and immediately declared a state which supports their leadership under Stepan Bandera was sent to Sachsenhausen concentration camp. The UPA was regarded as self-protection of the Ukrainians in 1944 and turned against the advancing Soviets. As in other Eastern Bloc partisans also fought here for years against the new rulers. Soviet reports after, the number of guerrillas killed in operations against Ukrainians about 100 000, with the loss of the security forces were less than 10 000.
The pictures are circulating of this UPA partisans could not be more: some writing on the Soviet enemy, that the "Banderisten" fascists and Nazi collaborators, were the others they bring into heroes in the "national Liberation struggle "against the Soviets. That in the Ukraine were many such collaborators is undisputed, that some of them, like the one in Munich Ivan Demjanjuk on trial, only in the face of starvation in the POW camp to have been sometimes gets out of sight. Given the overwhelming numbers, it should be banned, easily finished to make judgments: During the German occupation, according to historians, Ukraine has lost three to eight million civilians (the Holocaust victims are still not included).
labyrinthine discussions
The "orange" government approaches, after all, did the trick to bring veterans of the UPA and those of the Red Army into a joint memorial service at a table. "A good but also very naive idea," refers Rjabtschuk. "This reconciliation had failed. Not to the old men with white hair, and veterans of the profession and association officials" That may be further argued. Especially over Bandera, the outgoing President appointed "heroes of Ukraine", which has since been reversed. An important forum for debate is, however, face an uncertain future: The Institute of National Remembrance (UINP), previously the model of the German and Polish authorities modeled Stasi files, has been dissolved and re-established in heavily modified form. Then the civil rights organization "Memorial", the talk on the outskirts of Kiev is already a museum, the creation of a separate institute announced.
lose Meanwhile, scientists in the labyrinthine discussions. The historian Vitaly Nachmanowytsch has his heart in the Kiev magazine Krytyka "made air. "I do not drive up the question as to why they Bandera Stern gave the hero. But drives me to why after twenty years of independence, democracy and apparently still golden sowjetische Sterne verliehen werden.» Und wenn schon Sterne: Hätte man nicht die ukrainische Dichterin Olena Teliha ehren können, die in Babij Jar ermordet wurde? Oder einen Bürgerrechtler?
Larysa Iwschyna, Chefredaktorin der Kiewer Tageszeitung «Den» (Der Tag), hat einen Vorstoss in dieser Richtung unternommen. Ihre landesweit gelesene Zeitung hat Bücher zu den ukrainisch-russischen und ukrainisch-polnischen Beziehungen ediert. Sie startete auch eine Kampagne mit dem Ziel, der staatlichen Universität in Donezk im Osten der Ukraine, wo das sowjetische Erbe stark nachwirkt, einen Namenspatron zu verschaffen: den 1985 im Gulag gestorbenen Bürgerrechtler und bedeutenden Lyriker Vasyl Stus. But in the crucial vote at the College won the opponents, so the university is nameless. Iwschyna scoffs: "The opponents argued that the former student of the University Stu have been nothing. One can see it. He built, in fact, not a hall of residence "
from Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 24th 2. grieve 2011
The Orange Revolution in Ukraine, the long overdue departure initiated by the Soviet myths. The focus was on the run with Stalin famine in 1932/33. The new government tried to downplay the issue. rummage
By Gerhard Gnauck
In the diplomatic bag at Wikileaks is not only amusing, it is also instructive. From this source can be a historical-political chess game reconstruct the last few years: it concerns the Stalin-era famine in Ukraine. If we are a "confidential" report of 29 give faith in October 2008, Russian President Medvedev several colleagues wrote letters on this matter. In it, he warns them against the famine - as desired by the Ukraine - as "genocide" to condemn. Turning to the President of Azerbaijan, said Medvedev to, then, when this approach is different, his country would write off the occupied territory of Nagorno Karabakh to Armenia once and for all. Clear message from Moscow: shoulder to shoulder in the historical debate against (if any) support in a territorial dispute.
Why the dispute at the highest level at an event of 1932/33? The famine of that time has become Ukraine's most important focal point of collective memory. She urged estimated three to six million victims, it was a result of Stalin's brutal durchgesetzter Kollektivierung der Landwirtschaft bei gleichzeitig forcierten Getreideexporten, womöglich auch der Nationalitätenpolitik in einer «unzuverlässigen» Region. Die Hungersnot, auf Ukrainisch «Holodomor» (wörtlich Hunger-Massensterben), war keine Naturkatastrophe.
Nach der prowestlichen «orangen Revolution» schrieb die neue Regierungsmannschaft das Gedenken an den Holodomor auf ihre Fahnen. Der bis 2010 amtierende Präsident Juschtschenko liess in Kiew am Hang über dem Dnjepr Bäumchen pflanzen, eines für jedes von der Hungersnot hinweggeraffte Dorf. Der Geheimdienst öffnete seine Archive, um die Dokumente seiner sowjetischen Vorläufer sprechen zu lassen. Gegen Stalin und seine Führungsriege wurde sogar ein Gerichtsverfahren angestrengt - vermutlich das erste seit seinem Tod; da die mutmasslichen Täter nicht mehr lebten, musste es bald eingestellt werden.
Höhepunkt dieser Offensive war es, die Hungersnot zum gegen die Ukrainer als Nation gerichteten sowjetischen «Genozid» zu erklären. Kiews Diplomaten warben weltweit für diese Sichtweise. Der amerikanische Kongress verurteilte 2008 in einer Resolution den «ukrainischen Hungersnot-Genozid». Das Europäische Parliament avoided this stimulus word, but lamented a "terrible crime against the Ukrainian people and against humanity."
as a year ago, the "orange" forces lost the election, it was so over. The Holodomor first disappeared from the site of the new, pro-Moscow Yanukovich. Now is to apply a visual way that is digestible for the official Russia. This is, interestingly, not the denial of the crime, but the emphasis on the fact that organized by Stalin famine victims demanded elsewhere, so in the southern Russian regions and especially in Kazakhstan (only there for two million deaths). Als habe man eine panische Angst davor, eine einzelne Opfergruppe hervorzuheben - und damit eine unerwünschte Zuordnung von Schuld zu erleichtern. Das erinnert an Putins als bahnbrechend gefeierten Besuch im westrussischen Katyn 2010, als er des Massakers an den polnischen Offizieren gedachte. Doch Putin erwähnte die Polen erst an zweiter Stelle nach den sowjetischen Opfern Stalins, denen er den grösseren Teil seiner Rede widmete. Die russische Unfähigkeit zu trauern führte immer wieder zu merkwürdigen Sprachregelungen: In den Gedenkstätten der einstigen Sowjetunion traten nicht Juden, sondern «Sowjetbürger» als Opfer des Holocaust auf.
Doch die Konkurrenz der Opfer verläuft by their own laws, and the genocide debate continues. The Kiev journalist Mykola Rjabtschuk refers back to an array of 22 Stalin January 1933, in which the "mass emigration of peasants" from Ukraine to the north in search of bread is criticized. This would leave "by enemies of Soviet power, organized by social revolutionaries and agents of Poland". The institutions are instructed to arrest fleeing peasants and "to read the counter-revolutionary elements, the other to transport to their homes." The partitioning of the Soviet internal borders with Ukraine, the increasing control of Ukrainian culture, the rapid settlement of tens of thousands of Russian peasants in the depopulated Areas, all this points, so Rjabtschuk, pointed to the deterioration of a specific ethnic group: thus not (only) a crime against a social class, but genocide.
This debate about the exclusivity of suffering seems rather academic. However, the Holodomor in Ukraine has long been the point of identification. Even after the change of power last year introduced the state mapping service in Kiev a map. In her 7100 Holodomor monuments, memorial plaques and crosses are recorded from many villages in the Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine. With figural representations, the artists have often turned to the subject of the Pietà. Meanwhile has also the president second thoughts and presents on its website a selection of documents and historical photographs on famine. For Holodomor Remembrance Day on 27 November, he spoke not of genocide, but of apocalyptic "Armageddon."
total contrast to the memory of the Second World War. This memory divides the country. This is particularly true for the heritage of the nationalists, their organizations and the OUN affiliated partisans of the "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA). The Nationalists had hoped the 1941 German invasion of the Soviet Union, and immediately declared a state which supports their leadership under Stepan Bandera was sent to Sachsenhausen concentration camp. The UPA was regarded as self-protection of the Ukrainians in 1944 and turned against the advancing Soviets. As in other Eastern Bloc partisans also fought here for years against the new rulers. Soviet reports after, the number of guerrillas killed in operations against Ukrainians about 100 000, with the loss of the security forces were less than 10 000.
The pictures are circulating of this UPA partisans could not be more: some writing on the Soviet enemy, that the "Banderisten" fascists and Nazi collaborators, were the others they bring into heroes in the "national Liberation struggle "against the Soviets. That in the Ukraine were many such collaborators is undisputed, that some of them, like the one in Munich Ivan Demjanjuk on trial, only in the face of starvation in the POW camp to have been sometimes gets out of sight. Given the overwhelming numbers, it should be banned, easily finished to make judgments: During the German occupation, according to historians, Ukraine has lost three to eight million civilians (the Holocaust victims are still not included).
The "orange" government approaches, after all, did the trick to bring veterans of the UPA and those of the Red Army into a joint memorial service at a table. "A good but also very naive idea," refers Rjabtschuk. "This reconciliation had failed. Not to the old men with white hair, and veterans of the profession and association officials" That may be further argued. Especially over Bandera, the outgoing President appointed "heroes of Ukraine", which has since been reversed. An important forum for debate is, however, face an uncertain future: The Institute of National Remembrance (UINP), previously the model of the German and Polish authorities modeled Stasi files, has been dissolved and re-established in heavily modified form. Then the civil rights organization "Memorial", the talk on the outskirts of Kiev is already a museum, the creation of a separate institute announced.
lose Meanwhile, scientists in the labyrinthine discussions. The historian Vitaly Nachmanowytsch has his heart in the Kiev magazine Krytyka "made air. "I do not drive up the question as to why they Bandera Stern gave the hero. But drives me to why after twenty years of independence, democracy and apparently still golden sowjetische Sterne verliehen werden.» Und wenn schon Sterne: Hätte man nicht die ukrainische Dichterin Olena Teliha ehren können, die in Babij Jar ermordet wurde? Oder einen Bürgerrechtler?
Larysa Iwschyna, Chefredaktorin der Kiewer Tageszeitung «Den» (Der Tag), hat einen Vorstoss in dieser Richtung unternommen. Ihre landesweit gelesene Zeitung hat Bücher zu den ukrainisch-russischen und ukrainisch-polnischen Beziehungen ediert. Sie startete auch eine Kampagne mit dem Ziel, der staatlichen Universität in Donezk im Osten der Ukraine, wo das sowjetische Erbe stark nachwirkt, einen Namenspatron zu verschaffen: den 1985 im Gulag gestorbenen Bürgerrechtler und bedeutenden Lyriker Vasyl Stus. But in the crucial vote at the College won the opponents, so the university is nameless. Iwschyna scoffs: "The opponents argued that the former student of the University Stu have been nothing. One can see it. He built, in fact, not a hall of residence "
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Hair And Scalp Diseases
Thank you!
OMG!! Wir haben heute die tausender Grenze geknackt *_* Ihr seid der HAMMER ich habe das grad gesehen. Danke an alle die unsere Seite besuchen. Ich hoffe ihr werdet es auch weiterhin machen und als Dankeschön werde ich ein großes Update am Wochenede für euch machen. Wenn ihr irgendwelche Wünsche habt von wem ihr ein Update haben wollt schreibt doch einfach in die Shoutbox und ich werde mich dann darum kümmern. Hier nochmal ein kleines Bildchen für euch.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Briggs And Stratton 10a900 Spring Governor
Vampire Diaries Update / / Welcome Becky
Good evening, first Welcome to Becky. I'm really glad that I have a new graphic artist, because Denise has a little problem with their programs. Becky makes really great stuff on it you are so happy that everything is. Then I made another little stuff from The Vampire Diaries. Have fun!
3 Icons
3 Icons
three blends
3 Wallpaper
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