Ella was stupid. Exactly eight days Langella was terribly stupid. We reported in the last week the fact that Ella to on Wednesday afternoon decided to be maladjusted. For eight days it was done so until they become final this Thursday the arch spans.
Ella acted on a
home explained the parents of her daughter's situation. Ella turned their Facade to "cool" and listened quietly, as soon as their blooms when making the "big" and then a trip to the "small" may remain.
cried Ella Only a minute later the whole frustration of the soul. And since she is back to normal. Loving, sociable and great. Perhaps on the trip lock yes negotiated and start fresh ...
A trip lock would find Ella's brother, however, quite attractive. Bitter cold has made it this week. Oscar hates it. In addition, there is Oscar pronounced hatred of gloves - and so was the misfortune of his run.
Papa and Grandma Ella and Oscar wanted to pick up from the speech therapists. Outside, the wind blew from the direction of Siberia and aggravated the -10 ° C is quite impressive. Oscar could be put on any gloves. Papa thought: "If the seat belt first, how cold it is here, then he will love the gloves" and pushed his son in a buggy through the deserted streets.
Oscar took about 150 meters to understand what was going on. He held his clenched red hands to her face and yelled. Nothing helped. And certainly not the gloves. If he saw, he cried even more.
dad quickly turned into a drug store. The two customers and the vendor offered a spectacular picture: Over Requested father and son roaring. Various Things have been thrown as a gift of the drugstore chain in the buggy. Oscar was always angry. At the conclusion reached for miles audible Duo practice. Oscar was also gifted a reflex. After 5 minutes he was able to enjoy it. But how should we get him home now?
Papa saw the chance to become the hero of his son, and took it: He took off his jacket, stuck it to Oscar about so, that he had no other choice than warmed by cross-mountain ride. Papa ran "Is non-serious" in calling only sweater by the cold. The next day was sick and dad Oscar again in a bad mood. There was snow.
Oscar pointed to the ground shook den Kopf und sagte: "Nein". Mama zauberte zu Oscars Entsetzen den Schnee nicht weg, sondern marschierte mit den Kindern mitten hindurch.
Am Wochenende aber war alles wieder super: Oma Münster war zu Besuch und was hatte sie im Gepäck dabei? Spielzeugeier.
Bislang ging der größte Teil der Menschheit ja davon aus, dass Spielzeugeier ein Spielzeug von maximal mittlerem Spaßfaktor wären, doch Oscar belehrte sie eines besseren und spielt seitdem fieberhaft und laut "Eier" schreiend mit den beiden braunen und den beiden weißen Eiern. Papa und Onkel Fredde stopften die Eier dann auch noch in Oscars Klamotten. Oscar raste vor Glück als er sich die Eier aus der Strumpfhose zog. "Eier" schrie er, eine Zugabe fordernd, zeigte dabei zwischen seine Beine und sorgte so für eine äußerst billige Pointe.
Ach ja: Während alles friert, taut Oscars Sprachzentrum auf: "Ella Eier" war Oscars erster Zweiwortsatz, der Mama in euphorische Pläne ("Jetzt meld ich den zur U7 an") versetzte. Heute abend brüllte Oscar dann "Aaaambrooot", danach wurde er zum Schuhe putzen geschickt.
Oscar putzte, ohne zu wissen, warum. Morgen früh wird er es wissen.
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