"Wer ist das?", fragte Papa und deutete auf sich. "Papa", sagte Oscar akzentfrei. "Und wer ist das?" Papa tippte auf seinen Sohn. "Okchra!", strahlte dieser, wurde auf den Arm gehoben, zur Mutter getragen und führte dort das Kunststück noch einmal vor und weigert sich seitdem verschämt, noch mal "Okchra" zu sagen. Die Begeisterungsstürme seiner Eltern haben ihn ein bisschen verunsichert. Oscar betet auf Nachfragen nun bereitwillig die Namen aller Familienmitglieder hinunter. Fragt man ihn nach ihm selbst, so wird er rot, grinst und schüttelt den Kopf.
Significantly, when Dad was the huge apartment and wandered for a few moments did not know which child in what direction things just hired. Ella was seen to be just in the nursery, but where the hell is Oscar? This was dad thinking toward the kitchen, but stopped already 3 feet outside the kitchen door-frame (we do not have a kitchen door), according to his son "Eggs!" , Cry whereupon a plastic egg was thrown on the kitchen floor. All right. Oscar is so too.
of December, we soon reach the center, is a rather burdensome for parents month. Alone is the advent calendar (or rather, the four Advent that we have here above) provides a degree of sensory overload, since now begins every day with excited children bouncing in front of 24 felt-stars.
time is chocolate in it, then Ella is always a bit disappointed that four year old children understand that in December there anyway around every corner chocolate. Times are small toys in it, then Oscar is disappointed that adapt his tongue, his cheeks and his mouth during the jump for the felt-Star forward to the taste "chocolate". Then the child gets a rubber ball, I watch it ever quite stupid.
was then also still Nicholas. The original Santa Claus filled the boots of the family dynamic with chocolate, pasta, a Make-Up (Ella) and a coloring book along with pins (Oscar). Then the Nikolasu was also among the grandmothers and there has made things, then he was also the children's gymnastics. How to keep a child still cool.
When Grandpa and Mietoma was the weekend even Father Christmas ...
Oscar takes the toys and books that there appear every day in his life left, and focuses more on constantly have chocolate in his mouth. It is a shame. We control after three weeks of Advent, a tooth-and cholesterol-disaster, so you got to hear from the Father of the House of unfamiliar words
Ellas capitulated chocolate eaten away by the immune system and then on Thursday grant had the fever virus.
Ella, with full powers sometimes even provided a volcano is, in illness always very sweet and cuddly. She sat up then relax in front of the TV and spent Thursday and Friday with his father with great grandma convalescence hours.
weekend she was well again and so Yuri from Hamburg had not yet been canceled. Yuri, Ella, Oscar, Mira, and in the meantime neighbor's child Janek found relatively quickly discovered that none of the adults, "set limits" today after felt like it.
The adults lay or sat swirling around the apartment, which had long since taken control of the children. About 100 of the present 135 square meters were destroyed at the end.
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