Für Ella und Oscar ist das Kita-Jahr 2010 vorbei. Während der Familienvater die kommenden drei Tage noch seiner geregelten Arbeit nachgehen wird, hatte Mama sich schon tolle Dinge für die Bespaßung der anspruchsvollen Kleinkinder überlegt.
Ein Blick aus dem Fenster und aufs Thermometer but then saw a set that contains a lot of problems in which mad in only seven syllables: "We can not go out!"
Ironically, it was assumed, following Dad, he would leave mischievous grin in the next few days the house while were inevitable in the home 4 walls for the next few hours, frustration and conflict. But nothing there!
First, there are also for the father at the bus stop -17 ° C, which can freeze any larcenous grin and the second to-day family in a small room recently lost quite harmonious.
hamronisch legal means in the case, although certainly, that usually a howl, roar, and sometimes two children, but they are now: The phases of the happy coexistence.
example, has discovered the whole family this weekend, making the ball itself. It shows trends in concentration.
example occurred in the parents' bed, the popular party hotspot of the children. They played families sandwich:
Papa was down, was toast. Mama was about it was - since all were to agree to Mama - coarse liverwurst. Then there was the first fight. Ella wanted to be toast. But this would have meant that they would be very on top of it and so the little fellow Oscar would be buried among them. Ella was persuaded by the lower gross toast and sausage. Ella was salad. "Fresh salad," groaned the liver sausage motivating. "Nasser salad," added the lower toast, because the upper Toast drooled the salad full.
of completeness, we asked each Oscar, who was far above us on his family if he was the toast then.
"Oscar, you're the toast?"
Oscar, of each of the words individually well understood, was irritated. The sentence did not make sense for him to be. He then answered yet Yes, because sentences, which are in his name and the word "toast" in a confined space together, are usually good sentences.
like we know from Oscar, when he hears issues on which the word "chocolate" vorkommt. Da antwortet er auch stets mit einem lauten "JAAA!". Als Papa aber vorhin seine Kinder fragte, was Mama denn am verkaufsoffenen Sonntag einkaufen solle, da antwortete Oscar "Eier."
Eine andere Form der Ballung betrieb die Familie tags zuvor. Man spielte "Hoppe Hoppe Reiter". Papa auf dem Stuhl. Mama auf Papa. Ella auf Mama. Oscar auf Ella. Dann wurde gehoppelt und als am Ende des Liedes der Reiter in den Sumpf fiel, da mussten Mama, Papa und Ella schon ganz schön auf die Bremse treten, damit nicht die geballte Familien-Ladung auf den bereits auf den Küchenboden gefallenen Oscar draufpurzelt.
Neben diesen körperlichen Erfahrungen hat Oscar auch eine innere Erkenntnis gewonnen. Ihm dürfte seit Samstag nämlich die Bedeutung der Wendung "Ich glaub, ich steh im Wald" bewusst sein. Oscar latschte durch sein Kreuzberg. Hier ist er zuhaus. Hier kennt er alles. Nichts kann ihn hier böse überraschen. Mit diesem Wissen bog Oscar ab und stand eine Sekunde später mitten in unzähligen Tannenbäumen aus dem Sauerland.
Oscar erstarrte und guckte wohl recht lange irritiert, denn noch nachdem Ella, Mama und Papa sich für einen Weihnachtsbaum entschieden hatten ("Wir hätten gerne einen Baum. Ungefähr bis zum Kinn meiner Gattin!"), nachdem wir dann also wieder Augen für den Spross hatten, stand dieser immer noch unfassbar irritiert im Sauerland und dachte wohl: "Ich glaub, I get up in the woods. But I do not know why ... "
We are excited to see how Oscar will then respond to the tree when it is in our living room on Thursday. With several books to him, the phenomenon is called" Christmas Tree "(" BAAAAUUUUUM ") already been closer, but as a real beast from the Sauerland is safe yet again a different league.
The last picture shows the family celebrations 4.Advent. Man please can his eyes on the 4 candles and listen to what history could
As Ella weeks ago on a Christmas candle craft of bee wax, a wax plate by rolling around a wick, as it was very proudly behind it on their work.
Oscar day it walked through his house and spied the strange flask. Perhaps it the delicious fragrance of thing reminiscent of marzipan, perhaps corn, bite into each case Oscar. Although there are no witnesses for this, but just bite marks as evidence.
What we really up to here at this spectacular story, but only in the medium irritated was the fact that not only was such a bite in the candle, but three or four. Oscar has tasted the candle so therefore really. Or he was very very hungry.
Ella we have confessed to the incident in a quiet moment. This, however, we dared only when Dad had long ago bought new bees wax sheets and wicks. Und gestern bastelte Ella daraus 4 neue Kerzen. Und heute wurden sie angzündet. Und morgen werden wir sehen, ob wieder jemand hineingebissen hat und unserem Sohn im Falle des Falles dann die Ohren lang ziehen.
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