Auf gleich zwei Fotos des heutigen Blog-Eintrages sieht man den Sohn des Hauses bei einer neuen Eigenart, von der wir noch nicht ganz sicher sind, ob wir sie niedlich oder eklig finden.
extreme example, it was on Friday night.
Oscar was sitting at dinner, as a glance at the clock revealed that the evening, the two ten-minute broadcasts of Kika (18:40 and 18:50) ritually structured, will now go into the next phase. "Oscar, eat quickly." Beutolomäus' to start. "
Oscar seriously and turning and a half (!) Slice of bread stuffed into his mouth. Nothing more was on his Plate. He looked at us and gestured with his hands that he was now may stand out from its place, so that he can dart into the living room in front of the TV. Oscar's eyes said it "all right - I'm in control here." Oscar's mouth the other hand, reported the land is under, but gave nothing to the valuable cargo. Only minutes later we saw him chew front of the TV.
We are currently wondering about whether Oscar adapts his food the ability to speak, or whether it behaves the other way around.
We already reported that Oscar is a big fan of eggs, or why he can because the word "egg" wonderful talk. Since this week, Oscar yells very often "Deeee. It requires that after a hot drink infusion and the thought is close to just that Oscar is the only reason to become tea drinkers, because the word "tea" is now part of his vocabulary. Oh yes. "Bread" is called "Bo" and "Also" is called "Au" and "Mine" is called "Mei" - Oscar's vocabulary is slowly flashes and currently has a lot to do with food and thus to whom it deserves.
That the Christmas season, which has now begun, is expected to be quite complicated, we have noticed on the basis of two things, which in turn have both to do with Oscar (to Ella, this blog is only towards the end):
1) Oscar disclaims any music that is not of the Pippi Longstocking CD comes. The parents are already annoyed plenty of "Pippi bake cake" of the songs called "pirate-Opa Fabian" or, for Oscar, they are the world. The musical cosmos.
And if anyone else is crap, just a seasonal Christmas song for example, is not very sensual and Oscar then throws himself on the floor. There he roars down the track. We look forward to Christmas, by which we - for once - will sing under the tree "-Opa Fabian pirates" because our son in "Silent Night" roaring like crazy.
2) Oscar, it's very difficult to decide. And when his mom in front with a plate of Christmas goodies has the nose and in doing so says that he should choose one thing, then the Oscar for a very terrible situation. He reaches for the marzipan potatoes, they eyed, puts them away. He takes the biscuits, put it away, it takes a domino sets him off. Then there was us too colorful. Mama pulled back their offer and a colorful plate of Oscar away. Oscar responded in focus, understanding and considerate. He did not cry (* Lie *).
we all finally to Ella, who at times this blog has to play second fiddle, because children tend to be far less spectacular with 4 behavior than children with 2
This was until Wednesday.
went on Wednesday afternoon, a dear and reasonable child to speech therapist. Grandma waited in practice and when opened the door after half an hour, instead of Ella came out a hampelndes, stripped and cheeky monster. "The speech therapist said that Ella should spit on a mirror. I think that has changed them," the grandmother analyzed next to the crazed toddler.
Ella had after much trouble this week. She promised but time after time that she finally will be back soon love. Let's see what happens next Wednesday in the speech therapy practice Sun
Ella has left after that painted a name. She then told the father to determine the musste, dass die Geschenk-Pläne der
Hmm, vor allem der letzte Wunsch klingt recht interessant. Wäre Ella 10 Jahre älter, dann hätten wir uns direkt Sorgen gemacht. So aber wissen wir, dass Ella nicht an bewusstseinerweiternde oder -einschränkende Mittelchen dachte, sondern dass sie noch tief beeindruckt war vom Plätzchenbacken, wo Papa Eier (Oscar: "Eieeeeeeer!!!") trennte und Mama irgendwelche Pulver aus irgendwelchen Packungen poured out.
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