In the last week it must somehow have times where waffles in the day care center, denn Lucie malte laut Bildunterschrift ein "Waffeleisen", das grob gesagt der abstrakten Kunst zuzuordnen ist. Andere Kinder malten die Waffeln selbst oder einzelne Zutaten, wie Zucker oder Mehl.
Papa stand dann so vor den Bildern und suchte die Namen seiner Kinder. Er fand schließlich durchaus Komisches. Ein Bild war bekritzelt in den buntesten Farben. Der Künstler hieß "Oscar" und sein Werk "Eier".
Diese nette Anekdote wird nur leider kein einziger Blog-Leser so komisch finden wie Oscars Eltern. Denn keiner weiß, dass Oscar derzeit zwar sehr gerne redet, dass sein Wortschatz aber immer noch äußerst überschaubar ist. Neben "Mama", Papa" und "Ella" erzählt Oscar that is really only 2 other things: From a girl named Anna, but no one else here knows and "eggs".
"Eiiiiieeeeeer", then it echoes through the apartment. Oscar then asked about whether he "eggs" would like, then he rows with his arms and shouts "Annnnnnnnnaaa" or sometimes "Paaapppppaaa" or "Ellllllllllaaaa" or "Maammmmmmmmaaa. And so we find it incredible that Oscar has his picture on a given topic "waffles" just "egg" called.
While somewhere in this republic in the past week a mother her two year old child to the police brought it there to see and this action childless journalists seemed quaint enough for nationwide newspaper reports, Ella and Mama went to Wendland to demonstrate there.
Ever Ella is currently confronted constantly with demos. Bored Ella says now of their demo experience. Aircraft noise on Lichtenrade, lifetime extension of nuclear power, nuclear waste transports ... always a euphoric Familienmitgleid Ella towed with a demo.
In Wendland then it was really quite interesting times. Finally, wedged there hundreds Tractors (a number that Ella on "Two - one red and one green" hinunterlog) and there was a children's tent and among the demonstrators were such illustrious guests wie Jurij und Luisa aus Hamburg und Flora aus Berlin.
"Ella - wie war es auf der Demo, die sogar Topmeldung in der Tagesschau war?", fragte Papa, auf heftige Augenzeugenberichte hoffend. "Gut", sprach Ella.
"Erzähl doch mal!", wippte Papa auf den Füßen.
"Erst haben wir geesst, dann haben wir gespielt, dann haben wir geschlafen, dann haben wir wieder geesst, dann sind wir zu den Wildschweinen gefahren, dann sind wir nach Hause gefahren."
"Und die Demo?"
"Die war davor."
Im Übrigen stellte Oscar sich an diesem Wochenende eindeutig auf die Seite der Polizei. Er tat alles in seiner Macht stehende, die Demonstration dahingehend zu minimieren, that arrive two protesters could not. His attempt did not succeed.
was His plan to ensure the night before departure for the maximum possible sleep deprivation of the driver (Mama). At 3:30 the show began, which consisted of screaming and targeted restlessness and walking through strange beds. Then slept at least not been.
he could prevent it but I said no. Horrified, he had to watch as his mother went to Ella's home and something about "outing" said. The door closed and Oscar stared at his father's unshaven face.
The program, completely exhausted Oscar saw on Saturday a visit to the swimming pool and, on Sunday a visit to the Central Station. Both excursions ran very pleased so far, only the return paths, as Oscar writhed and roared and raged and did not run and would not sit in the buggy. came
Both times it for big row with his dad. And every time after that, incredible facial expressions Oscar: Oscar is - that we know of no Ella - look incredible reproach. He is the uncrowned king of sulking. Frown and pursed lips form the backbone. This is the opposite looked deep. How does a three-quarter-year-old child, as you sulk? Is something innate about?
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