in the past week, the family had to "working mother" switch, but this was only noticeable on Wednesday, because Mama Wednesdays now always works late, so first comes home, even if Oscar have supper in the mouth, while Ella likely at this time has nothing in his mouth, as she says while eating a lot better or flits through the kitchen.
on Wednesday so we had Papa, the afternoon program for the children consider all alone and so he put the daughter and son each have a paint box in front of the nose, newspaper laid on the table and Malblätter about it and closed his eyes to the now pre-programmed chaos . displace
Ella and Oscar inked in a trance. Every 10 minutes, had to switch the two Papa ink cup water and otherwise a wonderful afternoon. Here and there he had to help Ella the three inks Bundesliga arms and Oscar Explaining that the inks do not necessarily just about to soak the brush with color around it again to keep the water, which is - give way - then stained in exciting ways, but it is also quite an effort would be worth the Brush once to slide over the sheet. At the end
Ella and Oscar looked like two plates colored clay and were therefore set without prior consultation in the bathtub.
When Mama came, she was noticeably impressed by the clean, smelling of raspberry shampoo children. And then there was also the Bobtail in Oscar disappeared.
Oscar said that is up Wednesday with the Bobtail, the cute property that he went through a curtain aus Haaren gucken muss. Diesen Vorhang schnitt Papa am Mittwoch dann einfach mal ab.
Dass dies gleichzeitig einen großen Triumph über die Mama darstellte, lässt sich erklären. Mama nämlich schnitt letztens beiden Kindern die Haare.
Ella ließ sich die Prozedur und die folgenden zwei Korrekturhaarschnitte gefallen, Oscar aber wütete. Mama versuchte den Kopf zu fixieren, doch nichts half. Und da sich Oscar den ersten Schnitt probeweise noch gefallen ließ und sich erst im Anschluss ungünstig verhielt, war Oscar leider nur linksseitig vom Bobtail-Pony befreit und lief einige Tage äußerst trendbewusst, nämlich mit einer asymmetrischen Frisur, durch Kreuzberg.
Papa had then on Wednesday when he saw his son so wet asymmetric, the great need, Oscars right hairstyle half now adjust the left. Trend or not. The boy is to see where he hinläuft. Also right.
dad decided to handle scissors and cut away the right pony successfully. The solution is trivial. Papa
not fixed Oscars head, but Oscars hair. He cut so - human rights activists like this please read on - calmly about the pain under winding head of the shoot the tightly clenched in his fist hair off and was satisfied with the result.
The customer paid with a bad eye (the Oscar can properly lately gut) und zog von dannen.
Doch zurück zum Thema Bildende Kunst. Neben den wunderbaren Werken "Schalke", "Bochum" und "Leverkusen", die Ella am Mittwoch tuschte, fertigt sie nun auch immer besser werdende Filz- und Buntstift-Zeichnungen an.
Nun wagt sie sich auch an die graphische Darstellung der Familienmitglieder ran. Mama und Papa sind deutlich zu erkennen. Papa hat einen adretten Kurzhaarschnitt, einen Bauchnabel, Kniescheiben und Ellenbogengelenke. Mama ist kleiner, hat lange Haare und sonst auch Nabel und Gelenke.
Doch noch etwas unterscheidet Mama von Papa - und da wurde the artist while viewing pleasant self-critical of her work: "Look, Mama grow arms from the legs." That can not be right, Ella realize. She added: "Actually, yes, the arms grow out of the belly!" - When Papa was solved graphically better. Maybe it was the larger stomach.
were to visit today and flora from Linus Graefekiez. Dad wanted to keep at the two girls with fuse beads, thereby allowing only the true Bügelperlen chaos that eventually spread an epidemic in our apartment. The girls had fun when distributing the nasty pearls. When Flora was then gone, rushed employment genius Ella in eine tiefe Krise: "Ich will spielen und niemand hilft mir dabei", jaulte sie.
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