Oscar so fed with now, so the calculation of the kindergarten must be reconsidered. Oscars were three impressive debut plate of rice with something else. It is ultimately not for fun - and paid the food is so already. That Mama only at the beginning and it was still with him every day then something
that Ella in the day care center now is the big sister, then, this will of course very pleasant. And they are all to be exemplary. For example, it creates our laziest daughter now, with the Grunewald Group take part. 15 minutes walk from the bus stop to the many people very well known "gravel pit" of the Grunewald forest and return it creates - and bleating in protest, but after all, in a way that the whole entourage will not stop much.
In the linguistic area, it is being promoted again: Oscar gets going so slow. It is now abundantly clear "No!" say, making this the most negative of all terms and proper use, because a lot this week for Oscar just one day was too much and he could only curse loud "no" while shaking his head wildly. Whether at breakfast before he actually "Open up," said as he closed the Pack toast in his hand is not quite sure, however.
Ella contrast, uses words now, they really can not have from their parents because they have not used in the past four and a half years. We're talking the way, not about any curses or Fäkalwörter, but on the so-wonderful adjective "imperceptibly" that Ella used yesterday. Who says your "imperceptibly"? Where does Ella mean?
also did amazing things for breakfast on Friday. Mama proclaimed the event of the day: The educator Maria's my birthday, sweet 20 years old Maria.
dad wanted to be Ella relentlessly highlight the limitations and asked, "How many years older than you, Mary?"
Ella began to count: "Four and four and four and four and four ...."
Good - Mom and Dad turned away. If you start so he anticipates that only large garbage together. After a minute, and many calculations, in which always seemed just the 4, announced Ella "16", whereupon Mama, Papa and Oscar was a breakfast of each hand.
the close of the week was visiting from Hamburg. Dominik, Ellas Kita-love traveled along with brother Lennart. Lenny and Oscar both share a passion for balls, which made for noisy conflicts.
Auch zwischen Ella und Dominik war nicht immer eitel Sonnenschein, trotzdem flossen viele Tränen der Sehnsucht die Backen der Vierjährigen hinab, als Dominik gen Hamburg zurückfuhr.
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