Sunday, October 31, 2010

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evil surprises

Today's closing of October had nasty surprises in their luggage: Since the time change would be to name, complained about this blog every 6 months. If one in the family ministry was even raised before the summer time or you are doing this only in world foreign ministries?

really do suffer namely the families. be here in October, always the same error elterlicherseits committed: "... Oh, the night takes an hour longer This is great organizing we crash a babysitter and leave it," they think and walk in their parents' ignorance of the fact that the children (four and a half) to 6.30 instead of old time now, so until 6:30 new time would sleep an hour longer so.

emblazoned on the alarm clock on Sunday morning, the bad sequence 05:00 (Sommerzeit!), was as a mum of her son in his usual affectionate manner ("rawäääääh") aroused.
The Nanny (grandma) to Ella slept in the guest room, but the family could not exploit the numerical preponderance of adults to children to a peaceful morning. From the guest rooms were heard about 6:00 DST Ella and Grandma palaver already busy, and while the shuffled Oscar (it can say otherwise) across the bed of his parents and stomped on it unimpressed the faces of his producers. Had the clock been moved yesterday evening, they had discovered on the clock numbers unsuspected depth, as the night ended.

parents and babysitters are the losers of a weekend win at which all the others. And so the Grunewald morning at 9:30 clock was already well filled with parents who did with their dark circles and children, "then once a trip."

Ella showed us the gravel pit into which it runs every Thursday with the day care center. It is a place that is so extraordinary that Dad could not believe it, that he in the twelve years in which he was immured in West Berlin, not a single Time has been out there.

amazement he ran towards the huge pit, stumbled over a root and almost fell headfirst down the sand hills. The child's mother and wife did not laugh about it irrelevant and referred to the son, who now also approached the pit. "Oscar can run better than you," she smirked, but Oscar saw the chance came to slapstick: he stumbled over the same root as his father and saved the family's domestic standing.

The second nasty surprise of the day was that Halloween was in the U.S. and the suspicion seems to confirm that the party in this country affected more and more children so as to they dress up and ring the bell on the doors.

We were sitting at dinner, when it rang twice. The first time, six Turkish guys called with some deceptive fake looking real teeth "trick or treating, the second time about 10 children were known by name from the neighborhood in the door and had the same concerns.
Ella and Oscar were amazed about her mother, the three most children readily gave candy. To complete the amazement of our children, they also received a Kaubonbonstange and were irritated because chewing back in the kitchen, where supper, as such, no chance everything had to be eaten.

In the day the Halloween festival was brought forward. Ella outlined the plan they hatched together with Mama, as follows: "I'm in a pumpkin costume and Oscar's say paint colorful."

Oscar was once again not required. The "Color Coloring" was not meant across the board, but insisted only that his parents exercised is to him to paint scary scars on the cheeks (with insufficient Papa, Mama with a satisfactory result). Oscar let it wash over him, but then took himself again on the make-up pen and thus went as a child with red stripes on the face in the nursery. The pumpkin costume was However, the provider and will be worn on 31/10/2012 well by Oscar in the nursery.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

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On Wednesday

As Oscar now for three weeks in the nursery and Mama so since a week back to work into it sniffs and dad tomorrow after two weeks vacation will go back to work and since Ella is anyway Kita-child for three years , there is tomorrow a first: the first time four family members go out of the house and its regulated "work" section.

in the past week, the family had to "working mother" switch, but this was only noticeable on Wednesday, because Mama Wednesdays now always works late, so first comes home, even if Oscar have supper in the mouth, while Ella likely at this time has nothing in his mouth, as she says while eating a lot better or flits through the kitchen.

on Wednesday so we had Papa, the afternoon program for the children consider all alone and so he put the daughter and son each have a paint box in front of the nose, newspaper laid on the table and Malblätter about it and closed his eyes to the now pre-programmed chaos . displace

Ella and Oscar inked in a trance. Every 10 minutes, had to switch the two Papa ink cup water and otherwise a wonderful afternoon. Here and there he had to help Ella the three inks Bundesliga arms and Oscar Explaining that the inks do not necessarily just about to soak the brush with color around it again to keep the water, which is - give way - then stained in exciting ways, but it is also quite an effort would be worth the Brush once to slide over the sheet. At the end
Ella and Oscar looked like two plates colored clay and were therefore set without prior consultation in the bathtub.
When Mama came, she was noticeably impressed by the clean, smelling of raspberry shampoo children. And then there was also the Bobtail in Oscar disappeared.

Oscar said that is up Wednesday with the Bobtail, the cute property that he went through a curtain aus Haaren gucken muss. Diesen Vorhang schnitt Papa am Mittwoch dann einfach mal ab.
Dass dies gleichzeitig einen großen Triumph über die Mama darstellte, lässt sich erklären. Mama nämlich schnitt letztens beiden Kindern die Haare.
Ella ließ sich die Prozedur und die folgenden zwei Korrekturhaarschnitte gefallen, Oscar aber wütete. Mama versuchte den Kopf zu fixieren, doch nichts half. Und da sich Oscar den ersten Schnitt probeweise noch gefallen ließ und sich erst im Anschluss ungünstig verhielt, war Oscar leider nur linksseitig vom Bobtail-Pony befreit und lief einige Tage äußerst trendbewusst, nämlich mit einer asymmetrischen Frisur, durch Kreuzberg.

Papa had then on Wednesday when he saw his son so wet asymmetric, the great need, Oscars right hairstyle half now adjust the left. Trend or not. The boy is to see where he hinläuft. Also right.

dad decided to handle scissors and cut away the right pony successfully. The solution is trivial. Papa
not fixed Oscars head, but Oscars hair. He cut so - human rights activists like this please read on - calmly about the pain under winding head of the shoot the tightly clenched in his fist hair off and was satisfied with the result.
The customer paid with a bad eye (the Oscar can properly lately gut) und zog von dannen.

Doch zurück zum Thema Bildende Kunst. Neben den wunderbaren Werken "Schalke", "Bochum" und "Leverkusen", die Ella am Mittwoch tuschte, fertigt sie nun auch immer besser werdende Filz- und Buntstift-Zeichnungen an. Schon letzte Woche berichteten wir von den bald schon stilprägenden Bauchnabel-Figuren, die Ella so gerne malt.

Nun wagt sie sich auch an die graphische Darstellung der Familienmitglieder ran. Mama und Papa sind deutlich zu erkennen. Papa hat einen adretten Kurzhaarschnitt, einen Bauchnabel, Kniescheiben und Ellenbogengelenke. Mama ist kleiner, hat lange Haare und sonst auch Nabel und Gelenke.
Doch noch etwas unterscheidet Mama von Papa - und da wurde the artist while viewing pleasant self-critical of her work: "Look, Mama grow arms from the legs." That can not be right, Ella realize. She added: "Actually, yes, the arms grow out of the belly!" - When Papa was solved graphically better. Maybe it was the larger stomach.

were to visit today and flora from Linus Graefekiez. Dad wanted to keep at the two girls with fuse beads, thereby allowing only the true Bügelperlen chaos that eventually spread an epidemic in our apartment. The girls had fun when distributing the nasty pearls. When Flora was then gone, rushed employment genius Ella in eine tiefe Krise: "Ich will spielen und niemand hilft mir dabei", jaulte sie.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

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reflection value issues

who asks leading. Just the right question can trigger a wow-factor. In order to better and more accurate to arrive at an answer.

The questions can also be down loaded: LINK (currently inactive)

first If you had to teach something, what would you teach? (Variants: targeted children, colleagues, family, friends)

second Whom do they love?

third What work would you do if you had to make any money?

fourth How old were you when you knew not how old you really are?

fifth If you could send a message to the world, what would you send?

6th Is it possible to lie without saying a word?

7th If not now, when?

8th What would you do differently if you knew that you are not convicted?

9th hold on to something, what would actually be released?

10th Have you done anything noteworthy lately it is worthy to be remembered?

11th Who do you love? And what do you do?

12th Do you think crying is a sign of strength or weakness?

13th Would you break the law to protect someone you love?

14th Celebrate your life?

15th Ask questions often enough?

16th we have a right to repair? Will replace the repair company, the throw-away society?

17th What are 3 things that you are deeply grateful?

18th Against what you fight back?

19th bow to who you are?

20th If you hurt when you do differently?

21st How dangerous can be a change?

22nd Is that really so? Could it be otherwise?

23rd What do you do if your goal is met?

24th What happens when you're dead?

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success stories

Here are some examples of our success. These examples are not "Wünsch Dir Was" stories but himself practiced successes "against" all odds.

short, tight, compact, honest.

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  • Example 2 Consulting: marketing concept with a small budget. Who: EH-business
  • Example 3 Consulting: Marketing in a saturated market. Who: video producer, service provider agencies.
  • Training Example 1: The golden rule as a service basis. Who: Employees of a 1,000 bed hotel
  • Example 2 Training: Neuro efficiency - Dealing with the Self. Who: manager of a logistics company
  • Example 1 Coaching: Presentation Anxiety convert into starch. Who: twitch. identify and transform belief: Vice GF
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These are some of the companies with whom I have worked successfully.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

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Deep inside Kita-the mascot it rumbles

Seit zwei Wochen ist Oscar ja nun Kita-Kind. Als mit Abstand kleinstes Mitglied der Kinderschar spielt Oscar dort deutlich spürbar eine absolute Sonderrolle.

Alle Kinder kannten ihn ja ohnehin schon, weil er mit Mama immer Ella brachte oder abholte. Und deshalb haben sich alle dort gefreut, dass Oscar nun so richtig einer von ihnen ist.
Oscar ist dort gleichzeitig Publikumsliebling und Maskottchen.

Man muss sich das so vorstellen: Oscar betritt die Kita. Irgendein Kita-Kind kommt dann angestürmt, schreit "Oscar!" und schnappt sich den Kleinen und trägt ihn irgendwo out. The journey is the destination.

rumbles deep inside the day care center mascot it though. An unprecedented levels of change being diagnosed, the parents with a trained eye: Oscar skin Ella when she annoys him. Sometimes he will even outright war of aggression against his sister. For months, the
had beaten him at will. Now Oscar has seen in the day care center, may be how to deal with injustice. Thrashing is the motto. And if even there is no reason, he remembers past wrongs and to skin. The whole way, with an icy expression.

addition to the Oscar picks but has also learned other things. He can now "Ella" and say deformed beim Doppel-L auf sehr interessante Weise seine Zunge. Woher wir das wissen? Rissen wir dem Kind den Schlund auf, als es endlich zu reden begann?
Nein. Dass L in Ella spricht Oscar nicht im Mund, sondern außerhalb. "Eeeeeeeeee", beginnt das Spektakel, dann schießt die Zunger hervor und beginnt sich schraubenähnlich um sich selbst zu drehen, "llllllllllll" macht es dann, bevor Oscar zum großen Finale ansetzt "aaaaaaaa". Nicht selten dauert das Wort dann auch so zwei Sekunden, was bei vier Buchstaben nicht schlecht ist.

Außerdem kann er nun das Wort "Hallo". "Hallo Ella. Hallo Mama. Hallo Papa." Dies könnte er nun theoretisch jeden Morgen sagen. Er tut es aber nicht, er makes dear the C.

Yes, Oscar is the middle letter of his name already present in pantomime. This, however, he must be mad with rage, which this week (-> change in nature) are very often the case.
If Oscar really is angry, so angry that a mere cry of anger would not do justice approach, then turn it into a C. He pushes the belly will be so far forward that results in a rear hollow back and one considerable fascinated asks how a man can stand so without either falling down or break through. Very aptly

Ella can comment on the sign of her brother. "Look, Ella. Oscar makes the C again, "bully's parents. Ella regarded as Oscar but now drops to his knees, stretched himself forward and shouts into the laminate." No.. Now he makes an I, "said Ella quite rightly observes.

Oh yes. As Oscar so you can now name all family members, he is also seen frequently where except Oscar. The typical question to determine the self-esteem of young children.
Oscar considered then always a little and then show the place where, in his eyes Oscar - in his mouth that is Oscar's first of the mouth, all around it only insignificant part Oscar is defined as containing about food way it should be yesterday's dinner mentioned:... 3 bananas, 2 rolls, 2 cups Yogurt. Honestly.

Ella is not about her mouth. Ella is a different part of the body of comparable central. The belly button.
If you look at what Ella paints like that - and now she paints really well and you will find people and horses with abdominal Abeln.

Ellas week was moreover significantly better than the week of her brother's rage. Ella got twice an absolute special treatment. On Thursday she stayed with Dad in the garden shed and on Saturday she went to the movies with mom. The Sandman saved the world and if Ella will have against the evil Habumar now sustained fear, is still not fixed completely. The first night after
the Film was screaming in panic to 2.00, which is actually always the case.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

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The naysayers and the multiplication of the 4

Oscar for the week was earth shattering. Since Monday fact is Oscar official Kita-child, which means for him, for example, that it is placed at the breakfast table the day care center and must eat with, as he previously always had to leave to his horror, the day care center before it there as bread or cereal the real thing went.

Oscar so fed with now, so the calculation of the kindergarten must be reconsidered. Oscars were three impressive debut plate of rice with something else. It is ultimately not for fun - and paid the food is so already. That Mama only at the beginning and it was still with him every day then something has left more alone, the Oscar was not as great, but he accepted it after all. His big sister was, after all, even with him. For the next week is expected that Oscar is final then 9:00 to 15:45 in the day care center. Had not the brat on Thursday due to fever had the first day of absence in his life, then we might have already come this week so far.

that Ella in the day care center now is the big sister, then, this will of course very pleasant. And they are all to be exemplary. For example, it creates our laziest daughter now, with the Grunewald Group take part. 15 minutes walk from the bus stop to the many people very well known "gravel pit" of the Grunewald forest and return it creates - and bleating in protest, but after all, in a way that the whole entourage will not stop much.

In the linguistic area, it is being promoted again: Oscar gets going so slow. It is now abundantly clear "No!" say, making this the most negative of all terms and proper use, because a lot this week for Oscar just one day was too much and he could only curse loud "no" while shaking his head wildly. Whether at breakfast before he actually "Open up," said as he closed the Pack toast in his hand is not quite sure, however.
Ella contrast, uses words now, they really can not have from their parents because they have not used in the past four and a half years. We're talking the way, not about any curses or Fäkalwörter, but on the so-wonderful adjective "imperceptibly" that Ella used yesterday. Who says your "imperceptibly"? Where does Ella mean?

also did amazing things for breakfast on Friday. Mama proclaimed the event of the day: The educator Maria's my birthday, sweet 20 years old Maria.
dad wanted to be Ella relentlessly highlight the limitations and asked, "How many years older than you, Mary?"
Ella began to count: "Four and four and four and four and four ...."

Good - Mom and Dad turned away. If you start so he anticipates that only large garbage together. After a minute, and many calculations, in which always seemed just the 4, announced Ella "16", whereupon Mama, Papa and Oscar was a breakfast of each hand.

the close of the week was visiting from Hamburg. Dominik, Ellas Kita-love traveled along with brother Lennart. Lenny and Oscar both share a passion for balls, which made for noisy conflicts.
Auch zwischen Ella und Dominik war nicht immer eitel Sonnenschein, trotzdem flossen viele Tränen der Sehnsucht die Backen der Vierjährigen hinab, als Dominik gen Hamburg zurückfuhr.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

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Sehr häufig war an dieser Stelle von Einschlafproblemen und deren -lösungen die Rede. Wir wollen diese beliebte Serie nun um eine weitere Episode ergänzen:
Das Einschlafproblem: Oscar. Er schläft nur sehr zögerlich ein, wenn Mama ihn ins Bett bringt und wühlt zudem noch in Mamas Mund herum als sei er dort auf der Suche nach Gold.
Die Einschlaflösung: Papa. Papa nämlich ist als Ins-Bett-Bringer so dermaßen ungeeignet, eine solche Zumutung für Oscar, dass Oscar is, dad next to him, not his mouth herumwühlt, but quite simply screams and cries and moans.

When Dad in the last week the only guardians of Zubettgehzeit was because there was no alternative but for the hapless team. Dad wanted to threaten and told the crying child: "Okay Oscar, if you do not now cease to cry, then I go." Oscar listened to this briefly and then screaming. Papa, since he teaches at a comprehensive school in a master of consistency, did as promised and left. Oscar was silent. A short time later he was asleep.

When Dad the same play the next day again was because it was clear: Oscar findet es doof, ins Bett gebracht zu werden. Noch doofer ist nur, von Papa ins Bett gebracht zu werden. Wenn Papa dann weg ist, ist für Oscar alles in Ordnung und er schläft.

In der Nacht zu Samstag, da lief es aber ein bisschen anders. Oscar wollte, als er alleine gelassen wurde, mehrfach türmen. Und so verließ Papa nur zum Schein den Raum. In wirklichkeit stand er hinter der einen Spalt breit geöffneten Kinderzimmertür und beobachtete das Kinderbett.
Alle drei bis vier Minuten streckte Oscar ein Beinchen aus dem Bett. Papa sagte streng: "Oscar!", woraufhin das Bein wieder verschwand.
Später sah Papa am oberen Bettrand erst eine linke Hand, zehn Sekunden später a right hand and, finally, between a head. This looked in Papa's stern face and turned up again.
A few minutes was the way to Oscar slept. About as it always runs on a school trip, when dad is against 23 clock in the hallway of the hostel rooms before the bad guys just waiting that opens the door to the refugee once to refer in their place.

News from Language Centre Oscar: Oscar now speaks a few words. Oscar first appeared with a baby doll in his hand and said to the guys but very uncool word "baby" and then he was wildly beating against the furnace and shouted "Hot Hot Hot". So he had often heard from Mama and Papa. He has to assume that the thing does not "oven", but "Hot Hot Hot" is a word and only complete, if the speaker to wild waves with his hand.

And then there is really earth-shattering happened - at least when it comes to our little world.
Hoffmann family acquired a garden plot, after which it began to rain for three days and three nights.
When the rain was over, we dared towards us. Slowly but surely, children and parents have realized that the thing belongs to us along the way and means a complete restructuring of our weekends.
Ella and Oscar are all excellent gardeners. Oscar kann auf Himbeeren zeigen und diese dann vehement ablehnen, nachdem man sie gepflückt und ihm hingehalten hat. Dann zeigt der Kleingärtner auf einen anderen Mund, in welchen die Himbeere gelegt werden soll. Er ist da noch etwas misstrauisch. Außerdem kann er schon toll Kieselsteine in Gießkannen werfen und gelockerte Beete festtreten. Das tollste ist aber, dass er auf dem riesigen Rasen seine Schusstechnik mit dem Fußball laut lachend und grunzend verbessern kann.

Ella dagegen hilft schon richtig mit. Laub sammeln, kompostieren, Würmer finden und Teiche auspumpen standen auf dem Programm.
Besuch war auch gleich mal da. Die Hartmänner aus Dresden kamen vorbei. Die Papas besiegten nach 4 Stunden a yew tree and the children slept at night in Kreuzberg almost arm in arm.

And where things change ever so powerful, we send Oscar tomorrow in the day care center. No false modesty: A new chapter begins in Oscar's life. And in the course of his parents.