Monday, November 22, 2010

How To Sanitize Toys From Strep

dressing in less than a second

Oscar is the winter that will drive tomorrow in Germany for the next four months on the loose, well prepared, because he can now say "Kal Kal Kal" while rowing with the arms. This means "I'm cold." And the Oscar is quite common in the near future.

"Kal Kal Kal" he screamed as he was lifted on Sunday from the bathtub. There he had been very much fun. Ella and Oscar funnel stuffed in his mouth and were in animal sounds into the bathroom. Why were

funnel in the Wannne? Well. Our real bath toys (rubber ducks) began in Hamburg moldy. Ersatz fand sich in der Küche und deshalb wurde in den letzten Monaten ein nicht unerheblicher Teil des Kücheninventars (Trichter, Sieb, Schalen, Teller, Becher) in Badespielzeug verwandelt. Wie man sieht, nehmen die Kinder das alles trötend und siebend und schüttend an. Richtig Stimmung ist immer im Badezimmer.

Und während Oscar vorne trötete, schlich sich Mama von hinten heran und schnitt ihm etwa vier Zentimeter der nassen Haare ab. Oscar bemerkte nicht einmal, dass er gerade eine neue Frisur verpasst bekam, was bei der rekordverdächtigen Frisierzeit von etwa 0,8 Sekunden auch nicht verwundert.

Schlimm ist das Baden im Winter ja auch immer erst, if you then dripping and dripping stands beside the tub. And as Oscar may have always been observed, such as Ella always "Cold Cold Cold" screams when she dropped beside the tub, Oscar has taken over this now. Shouted at us is always very much anyway. The parents of screams with meaning because quite grateful.

Saturday was again a full program: First of Breitscheidplatz was visited, currently has many child-friendly attractions: a huge tower to be built there, is so great that construction-Fan Oscar this does not recognize as a real building site; The Christmas market is set up, the Wasserklops is therefore hidden under a huge white plastic monster and the broken church is packaged so that it looks like a house. All pretty exciting. Ella was one of Father Christmas on the pre-Christmas Breitscheidplatz and came to 22

then celebrated Papa's school open day ", which was to Ella and Oscar topped so that the doors were closed on that day illogically, from Papa opened were. Ella played teacher, was standing at the blackboard and wrote the number 4550th Oscar marked the stupid students who stood by and did not understand anything.

was the highlight of the day, but in Moabit and answers to the name Rufus. Ella and Oscar's cousin wanted to be admired. Both children gave the newcomer like a dummy and stroked him.

Ever Oscar can indeed "make egg" particularly good. And since he is so terribly happy to eat eggs and also so happy to see Staring books with eggs, you have to just assume that "make egg" and the reason is so popular with him, because it just means "egg" to make Oscar and yet so great is "egg" to say.

For Rufus of course that was very fortunate because a real petting professional lay next to him. are


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