Sunday, December 26, 2010

Simple Experiment On Ldr

Bad Santas and divine flame

The thing with Santa this year was complicated. Between Sunday school and was Ella a mess then, that it's better nicht kommen soll. Da war es aber schon zu spät, denn der Weihnachtsmann war trotz vereister Straßen schon unterwegs Richtung Kreuzberg, dem Stadtteil, der sich auch an Weihnachten von seiner ganz speziellen unverkrampften Seite zeigte. Wo sonst in dieser Republik ist es sonst wohl möglich, dass erwachsene Passanten die mit einer Weihnachtskerze aus der Kirche schreitenden Kinder um Feuer bitten? Gott hat an irgendeinem Tage ja auch Kreuzberg erschaffen - er wird damit zurecht kommen. Der Passant jedenfalls zündete sich seine Zigarette auf denkbar göttliche Weise an.

Der Weihnachtsmann fuhr also im 2. Gang über spiegelglatte Fahrbahnen, als Ella ihre Meinung änderte. Um 16:40 klopfte er an die Tür and delivered gifts. Ella was intimidated and Oscar completely unimpressed. 24 Filzsterne with spectacular content, boots filled two and a half weeks and talking Santa sacks on television have made him numb. Santa was there. Oscar is noted to show no other feelings.

Santa reeled from his program. A song perhaps? Ella shook her head. This and that, so Santa is still not quite right. Ella has to learn to sit on chairs without falling down every minute of sameness, which is why they desired (and stupid parents for findings) rocking horse will not get. Oscar should be in the Übrigen nicht so schnell die Fäuste sprechen lassen, sondern lieber mal sprechen lernen.

Vielleicht war dies der Moment, wo für Ella ein Stückchen Kindheit zerbrach. Als der Weihnachtsmann dann wieder die Wohnung verließ, da sprach das Kind in die entsetzten Gesichter der Eltern, dass dies nicht der echte Weihnachtsmann war. Man habe Opa Wolfgang erkannt.

Papa und Mama hatten dann erstmal gar keine Lust mehr auf weitere Erklärungen. Noch spät am Abend wurde das Wort "Weihnachtsmann" gemieden, da wir uns vor unserer klugen Tochter nicht noch weiter blamieren wollten. "Da - ein Päckchen von Manja und Christian!", "Hier - Geschenke von Jan und Kitti." - Ella freute sich about to be taken seriously. They also spoke on that day, not from Santa Claus.

Only at 25.12. Dad designed a statement: Santa Claus was very busy. He had several helpers in action. It had been in the newspaper. Ella took this pie chewing note.
Next year, we have to either fly into sharp right guns and let a professional Santa Claus to come, one that Ella not visited the day before at his own birthday, or we can be everything. Ella may not be made for such gadgets ...

We do not now with a yawn boring lists of gifts , But staying over swing to shoot the family, this week did many strange things that would fill several blog entries.
He flirted with the birthday celebration of Grandpa's (or Father Christmas) so much with his cousin Lina, that the Family short again went through the legal bases. result may cousins \u200b\u200ball! What we saw were violent hugs and deep love in the eyes of the cousins \u200b\u200b- and a little irritated, but not averse cousin.

the end of the year 2010, two notices to the proficiency level of our son:
1) Even if it ever since these days his name ("okra"), you and frequently and sometimes loudly chanted exercises, so it is noteworthy that the very abstract word "I" is preferred by Oscar. Mom cleared her mind concentrated on the father: Oscar is linguistically not very far, but he is incredibly intelligent, "At this moment Oscar fell off the sofa

2) Oscar may designate different animals Such is the great elephant ... ! Töröööö. t, found at least since the advent Ella "Benjamin Blümchen" CDs, and then the amazing thing happened, a perfectly decent punch to finish this year. Oscar was wound looked down at herself and discovered that he a trunk hat. Er ist sicher noch nicht so groß wie der vom Hörspiel-Elefant, aber Oscar erkannte die Ähnlichkeit, strahlte, deutete auf das Rüsselchen und sagte glücklich: "Töröööö!"
Mama unterbrach das Wickeln um Papa zu holen und davon zu berichten.

Die Kleinfamilie wünscht allen Blog-Lesern ein gesundes und frohes 2011.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Julia Roberts Brown Polka Dot Pretty Woman Dress

families sandwich

Für Ella und Oscar ist das Kita-Jahr 2010 vorbei. Während der Familienvater die kommenden drei Tage noch seiner geregelten Arbeit nachgehen wird, hatte Mama sich schon tolle Dinge für die Bespaßung der anspruchsvollen Kleinkinder überlegt.

Ein Blick aus dem Fenster und aufs Thermometer but then saw a set that contains a lot of problems in which mad in only seven syllables: "We can not go out!"

Ironically, it was assumed, following Dad, he would leave mischievous grin in the next few days the house while were inevitable in the home 4 walls for the next few hours, frustration and conflict. But nothing there!

First, there are also for the father at the bus stop -17 ° C, which can freeze any larcenous grin and the second to-day family in a small room recently lost quite harmonious.

hamronisch legal means in the case, although certainly, that usually a howl, roar, and sometimes two children, but they are now: The phases of the happy coexistence.
example, has discovered the whole family this weekend, making the ball itself. It shows trends in concentration.

example occurred in the parents' bed, the popular party hotspot of the children. They played families sandwich:
Papa was down, was toast. Mama was about it was - since all were to agree to Mama - coarse liverwurst. Then there was the first fight. Ella wanted to be toast. But this would have meant that they would be very on top of it and so the little fellow Oscar would be buried among them. Ella was persuaded by the lower gross toast and sausage. Ella was salad. "Fresh salad," groaned the liver sausage motivating. "Nasser salad," added the lower toast, because the upper Toast drooled the salad full.
of completeness, we asked each Oscar, who was far above us on his family if he was the toast then.
"Oscar, you're the toast?"

Oscar, of each of the words individually well understood, was irritated. The sentence did not make sense for him to be. He then answered yet Yes, because sentences, which are in his name and the word "toast" in a confined space together, are usually good sentences.
like we know from Oscar, when he hears issues on which the word "chocolate" vorkommt. Da antwortet er auch stets mit einem lauten "JAAA!". Als Papa aber vorhin seine Kinder fragte, was Mama denn am verkaufsoffenen Sonntag einkaufen solle, da antwortete Oscar "Eier."

Eine andere Form der Ballung betrieb die Familie tags zuvor. Man spielte "Hoppe Hoppe Reiter". Papa auf dem Stuhl. Mama auf Papa. Ella auf Mama. Oscar auf Ella. Dann wurde gehoppelt und als am Ende des Liedes der Reiter in den Sumpf fiel, da mussten Mama, Papa und Ella schon ganz schön auf die Bremse treten, damit nicht die geballte Familien-Ladung auf den bereits auf den Küchenboden gefallenen Oscar draufpurzelt.

Neben diesen körperlichen Erfahrungen hat Oscar auch eine innere Erkenntnis gewonnen. Ihm dürfte seit Samstag nämlich die Bedeutung der Wendung "Ich glaub, ich steh im Wald" bewusst sein. Oscar latschte durch sein Kreuzberg. Hier ist er zuhaus. Hier kennt er alles. Nichts kann ihn hier böse überraschen. Mit diesem Wissen bog Oscar ab und stand eine Sekunde später mitten in unzähligen Tannenbäumen aus dem Sauerland.

Oscar erstarrte und guckte wohl recht lange irritiert, denn noch nachdem Ella, Mama und Papa sich für einen Weihnachtsbaum entschieden hatten ("Wir hätten gerne einen Baum. Ungefähr bis zum Kinn meiner Gattin!"), nachdem wir dann also wieder Augen für den Spross hatten, stand dieser immer noch unfassbar irritiert im Sauerland und dachte wohl: "Ich glaub, I get up in the woods. But I do not know why ... "

We are excited to see how Oscar will then respond to the tree when it is in our living room on Thursday. With several books to him, the phenomenon is called" Christmas Tree "(" BAAAAUUUUUM ") already been closer, but as a real beast from the Sauerland is safe yet again a different league.

The last picture shows the family celebrations 4.Advent. Man please can his eyes on the 4 candles and listen to what history could
As Ella weeks ago on a Christmas candle craft of bee wax, a wax plate by rolling around a wick, as it was very proudly behind it on their work.

Oscar day it walked through his house and spied the strange flask. Perhaps it the delicious fragrance of thing reminiscent of marzipan, perhaps corn, bite into each case Oscar. Although there are no witnesses for this, but just bite marks as evidence.
What we really up to here at this spectacular story, but only in the medium irritated was the fact that not only was such a bite in the candle, but three or four. Oscar has tasted the candle so therefore really. Or he was very very hungry.

Ella we have confessed to the incident in a quiet moment. This, however, we dared only when Dad had long ago bought new bees wax sheets and wicks. Und gestern bastelte Ella daraus 4 neue Kerzen. Und heute wurden sie angzündet. Und morgen werden wir sehen, ob wieder jemand hineingebissen hat und unserem Sohn im Falle des Falles dann die Ohren lang ziehen.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Makes Of Coin Pushers

hopping before the felt-star

Ein für Außenstehende röchelnder Sohn brachte seine Eltern heute zur Verzückung. Oscar stand in der Küche, guckte konzentriert und machte "Okchra. Okchra." Papa, der zugegen war, ahnte die Bedeutung des Röchelns. Hier will jemand mal endlich seinen Namen aussprechen. Und so wurde ein Dialog geführt, der die wahre Bedeutung des "Okchra"-Lautes klären sollte.
"Wer ist das?", fragte Papa und deutete auf sich. "Papa", sagte Oscar akzentfrei. "Und wer ist das?" Papa tippte auf seinen Sohn. "Okchra!", strahlte dieser, wurde auf den Arm gehoben, zur Mutter getragen und führte dort das Kunststück noch einmal vor und weigert sich seitdem verschämt, noch mal "Okchra" zu sagen. Die Begeisterungsstürme seiner Eltern haben ihn ein bisschen verunsichert. Oscar betet auf Nachfragen nun bereitwillig die Namen aller Familienmitglieder hinunter. Fragt man ihn nach ihm selbst, so wird er rot, grinst und schüttelt den Kopf.
Vermutlich wird er den Namen nun noch ein bisschen üben, bis er das Gefühl hat, die Aussprache ein wenig dem Originallaut seines Namens angepasst zu haben. Er spricht ja sowieso gerne ohne Zuhörerschaft.

Significantly, when Dad was the huge apartment and wandered for a few moments did not know which child in what direction things just hired. Ella was seen to be just in the nursery, but where the hell is Oscar? This was dad thinking toward the kitchen, but stopped already 3 feet outside the kitchen door-frame (we do not have a kitchen door), according to his son "Eggs!" , Cry whereupon a plastic egg was thrown on the kitchen floor. All right. Oscar is so too.

of December, we soon reach the center, is a rather burdensome for parents month. Alone is the advent calendar (or rather, the four Advent that we have here above) provides a degree of sensory overload, since now begins every day with excited children bouncing in front of 24 felt-stars.
time is chocolate in it, then Ella is always a bit disappointed that four year old children understand that in December there anyway around every corner chocolate. Times are small toys in it, then Oscar is disappointed that adapt his tongue, his cheeks and his mouth during the jump for the felt-Star forward to the taste "chocolate". Then the child gets a rubber ball, I watch it ever quite stupid.

was then also still Nicholas. The original Santa Claus filled the boots of the family dynamic with chocolate, pasta, a Make-Up (Ella) and a coloring book along with pins (Oscar). Then the Nikolasu was also among the grandmothers and there has made things, then he was also the children's gymnastics. How to keep a child still cool.
When Grandpa and Mietoma was the weekend even Father Christmas ...

Oscar takes the toys and books that there appear every day in his life left, and focuses more on constantly have chocolate in his mouth. It is a shame. We control after three weeks of Advent, a tooth-and cholesterol-disaster, so you got to hear from the Father of the House of unfamiliar words "In January there are only salad." No one protested. Oscar was also say nothing about it. His mouth was busy, an oversized chocolate zerspeicheln to-something.

Ellas capitulated chocolate eaten away by the immune system and then on Thursday grant had the fever virus.
Ella, with full powers sometimes even provided a volcano is, in illness always very sweet and cuddly. She sat up then relax in front of the TV and spent Thursday and Friday with his father with great grandma convalescence hours. ran on TV from the DVD "Petterson and Findus" absurd often in a row.

weekend she was well again and so Yuri from Hamburg had not yet been canceled. Yuri, Ella, Oscar, Mira, and in the meantime neighbor's child Janek found relatively quickly discovered that none of the adults, "set limits" today after felt like it.
The adults lay or sat swirling around the apartment, which had long since taken control of the children. About 100 of the present 135 square meters were destroyed at the end.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Crossword:safety In The Laboratory

The east wind

We begin this entry in what will Oscar fight end that the main role because it is only the second time the Christmas and the snow period experienced and therefore not really able to confidently deal with two oddities, this entry so we just start with Ella.

Ella was stupid. Exactly eight days Langella was terribly stupid. We reported in the last week the fact that Ella to on Wednesday afternoon decided to be maladjusted. For eight days it was done so until they become final this Thursday the arch spans.

Ella acted on a trip with the kindergarten next Sun so that the teacher about it later informs us that they could take over so no more responsibility for life and health of our child. Ella - as is the current state of affairs - will be excluded in future trips. It must have been really bad.

home explained the parents of her daughter's situation. Ella turned their Facade to "cool" and listened quietly, as soon as their blooms when making the "big" and then a trip to the "small" may remain.

cried Ella Only a minute later the whole frustration of the soul. And since she is back to normal. Loving, sociable and great. Perhaps on the trip lock yes negotiated and start fresh ...

A trip lock would find Ella's brother, however, quite attractive. Bitter cold has made it this week. Oscar hates it. In addition, there is Oscar pronounced hatred of gloves - and so was the misfortune of his run.

Papa and Grandma Ella and Oscar wanted to pick up from the speech therapists. Outside, the wind blew from the direction of Siberia and aggravated the -10 ° C is quite impressive. Oscar could be put on any gloves. Papa thought: "If the seat belt first, how cold it is here, then he will love the gloves" and pushed his son in a buggy through the deserted streets.

Oscar took about 150 meters to understand what was going on. He held his clenched red hands to her face and yelled. Nothing helped. And certainly not the gloves. If he saw, he cried even more.

dad quickly turned into a drug store. The two customers and the vendor offered a spectacular picture: Over Requested father and son roaring. Various Things have been thrown as a gift of the drugstore chain in the buggy. Oscar was always angry. At the conclusion reached for miles audible Duo practice. Oscar was also gifted a reflex. After 5 minutes he was able to enjoy it. But how should we get him home now?

Papa saw the chance to become the hero of his son, and took it: He took off his jacket, stuck it to Oscar about so, that he had no other choice than warmed by cross-mountain ride. Papa ran "Is non-serious" in calling only sweater by the cold. The next day was sick and dad Oscar again in a bad mood. There was snow.

Oscar pointed to the ground shook den Kopf und sagte: "Nein". Mama zauberte zu Oscars Entsetzen den Schnee nicht weg, sondern marschierte mit den Kindern mitten hindurch.

Am Wochenende aber war alles wieder super: Oma Münster war zu Besuch und was hatte sie im Gepäck dabei? Spielzeugeier.
Bislang ging der größte Teil der Menschheit ja davon aus, dass Spielzeugeier ein Spielzeug von maximal mittlerem Spaßfaktor wären, doch Oscar belehrte sie eines besseren und spielt seitdem fieberhaft und laut "Eier" schreiend mit den beiden braunen und den beiden weißen Eiern. Papa und Onkel Fredde stopften die Eier dann auch noch in Oscars Klamotten. Oscar raste vor Glück als er sich die Eier aus der Strumpfhose zog. "Eier" schrie er, eine Zugabe fordernd, zeigte dabei zwischen seine Beine und sorgte so für eine äußerst billige Pointe.

Ach ja: Während alles friert, taut Oscars Sprachzentrum auf: "Ella Eier" war Oscars erster Zweiwortsatz, der Mama in euphorische Pläne ("Jetzt meld ich den zur U7 an") versetzte. Heute abend brüllte Oscar dann "Aaaambrooot", danach wurde er zum Schuhe putzen geschickt.

Oscar putzte, ohne zu wissen, warum. Morgen früh wird er es wissen.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hypnotised Korean Movie Online

two points which could complicate the Christmas

Auf gleich zwei Fotos des heutigen Blog-Eintrages sieht man den Sohn des Hauses bei einer neuen Eigenart, von der wir noch nicht ganz sicher sind, ob wir sie niedlich oder eklig finden. Oscar meals recently completed mostly by a significantly large piece of food as a "grande finale" stuffed in his mouth and then there it thoroughly in the next few minutes bespeichelt and somehow - we do not know exactly how - crushed.
extreme example, it was on Friday night.

Oscar was sitting at dinner, as a glance at the clock revealed that the evening, the two ten-minute broadcasts of Kika (18:40 and 18:50) ritually structured, will now go into the next phase. "Oscar, eat quickly." Beutolomäus' to start. "

Oscar seriously and turning and a half (!) Slice of bread stuffed into his mouth. Nothing more was on his Plate. He looked at us and gestured with his hands that he was now may stand out from its place, so that he can dart into the living room in front of the TV. Oscar's eyes said it "all right - I'm in control here." Oscar's mouth the other hand, reported the land is under, but gave nothing to the valuable cargo. Only minutes later we saw him chew front of the TV.

We are currently wondering about whether Oscar adapts his food the ability to speak, or whether it behaves the other way around.
We already reported that Oscar is a big fan of eggs, or why he can because the word "egg" wonderful talk. Since this week, Oscar yells very often "Deeee. It requires that after a hot drink infusion and the thought is close to just that Oscar is the only reason to become tea drinkers, because the word "tea" is now part of his vocabulary. Oh yes. "Bread" is called "Bo" and "Also" is called "Au" and "Mine" is called "Mei" - Oscar's vocabulary is slowly flashes and currently has a lot to do with food and thus to whom it deserves.

That the Christmas season, which has now begun, is expected to be quite complicated, we have noticed on the basis of two things, which in turn have both to do with Oscar (to Ella, this blog is only towards the end):
1) Oscar disclaims any music that is not of the Pippi Longstocking CD comes. The parents are already annoyed plenty of "Pippi bake cake" of the songs called "pirate-Opa Fabian" or, for Oscar, they are the world. The musical cosmos.
And if anyone else is crap, just a seasonal Christmas song for example, is not very sensual and Oscar then throws himself on the floor. There he roars down the track. We look forward to Christmas, by which we - for once - will sing under the tree "-Opa Fabian pirates" because our son in "Silent Night" roaring like crazy.

2) Oscar, it's very difficult to decide. And when his mom in front with a plate of Christmas goodies has the nose and in doing so says that he should choose one thing, then the Oscar for a very terrible situation. He reaches for the marzipan potatoes, they eyed, puts them away. He takes the biscuits, put it away, it takes a domino sets him off. Then there was us too colorful. Mama pulled back their offer and a colorful plate of Oscar away. Oscar responded in focus, understanding and considerate. He did not cry (* Lie *).

we all finally to Ella, who at times this blog has to play second fiddle, because children tend to be far less spectacular with 4 behavior than children with 2
This was until Wednesday.
went on Wednesday afternoon, a dear and reasonable child to speech therapist. Grandma waited in practice and when opened the door after half an hour, instead of Ella came out a hampelndes, stripped and cheeky monster. "The speech therapist said that Ella should spit on a mirror. I think that has changed them," the grandmother analyzed next to the crazed toddler.

Ella had after much trouble this week. She promised but time after time that she finally will be back soon love. Let's see what happens next Wednesday in the speech therapy practice Sun

Ella has left after that painted a name. She then told the father to determine the musste, dass die Geschenk-Pläne der Eltern nicht viel zu tun haben mit den Wünschen unserer Tochter. Ella wünscht sich, bitte mitschreiben, liebe Verwandtschaft: Ein Schaukelpferd, ein Auko (Logopädin, machen Sie daraus bitte ein "Auto"), ein Foto und eine Packung mit Pulver.
Hmm, vor allem der letzte Wunsch klingt recht interessant. Wäre Ella 10 Jahre älter, dann hätten wir uns direkt Sorgen gemacht. So aber wissen wir, dass Ella nicht an bewusstseinerweiternde oder -einschränkende Mittelchen dachte, sondern dass sie noch tief beeindruckt war vom Plätzchenbacken, wo Papa Eier (Oscar: "Eieeeeeeer!!!") trennte und Mama irgendwelche Pulver aus irgendwelchen Packungen poured out.

Monday, November 22, 2010

How To Sanitize Toys From Strep

dressing in less than a second

Oscar is the winter that will drive tomorrow in Germany for the next four months on the loose, well prepared, because he can now say "Kal Kal Kal" while rowing with the arms. This means "I'm cold." And the Oscar is quite common in the near future.

"Kal Kal Kal" he screamed as he was lifted on Sunday from the bathtub. There he had been very much fun. Ella and Oscar funnel stuffed in his mouth and were in animal sounds into the bathroom. Why were

funnel in the Wannne? Well. Our real bath toys (rubber ducks) began in Hamburg moldy. Ersatz fand sich in der Küche und deshalb wurde in den letzten Monaten ein nicht unerheblicher Teil des Kücheninventars (Trichter, Sieb, Schalen, Teller, Becher) in Badespielzeug verwandelt. Wie man sieht, nehmen die Kinder das alles trötend und siebend und schüttend an. Richtig Stimmung ist immer im Badezimmer.

Und während Oscar vorne trötete, schlich sich Mama von hinten heran und schnitt ihm etwa vier Zentimeter der nassen Haare ab. Oscar bemerkte nicht einmal, dass er gerade eine neue Frisur verpasst bekam, was bei der rekordverdächtigen Frisierzeit von etwa 0,8 Sekunden auch nicht verwundert.

Schlimm ist das Baden im Winter ja auch immer erst, if you then dripping and dripping stands beside the tub. And as Oscar may have always been observed, such as Ella always "Cold Cold Cold" screams when she dropped beside the tub, Oscar has taken over this now. Shouted at us is always very much anyway. The parents of screams with meaning because quite grateful.

Saturday was again a full program: First of Breitscheidplatz was visited, currently has many child-friendly attractions: a huge tower to be built there, is so great that construction-Fan Oscar this does not recognize as a real building site; The Christmas market is set up, the Wasserklops is therefore hidden under a huge white plastic monster and the broken church is packaged so that it looks like a house. All pretty exciting. Ella was one of Father Christmas on the pre-Christmas Breitscheidplatz and came to 22

then celebrated Papa's school open day ", which was to Ella and Oscar topped so that the doors were closed on that day illogically, from Papa opened were. Ella played teacher, was standing at the blackboard and wrote the number 4550th Oscar marked the stupid students who stood by and did not understand anything.

was the highlight of the day, but in Moabit and answers to the name Rufus. Ella and Oscar's cousin wanted to be admired. Both children gave the newcomer like a dummy and stroked him.

Ever Oscar can indeed "make egg" particularly good. And since he is so terribly happy to eat eggs and also so happy to see Staring books with eggs, you have to just assume that "make egg" and the reason is so popular with him, because it just means "egg" to make Oscar and yet so great is "egg" to say.

For Rufus of course that was very fortunate because a real petting professional lay next to him. are

Saturday, November 20, 2010

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Symbian Love Machine Filmato

An aphorism for Korea

While Papa on Thursday at the parents' questions and answers had to shuffled the rest of the family along with the day care group Laterne schwingend durch den Viktoriapark.

Solche Feierlichkeiten werden ja immer auch kritisch betrachtet. Oscar zum Beispiel missfiel es, im Buggy durch die Finsternis über Wurzelwerk geschoben zu werden und dabei auch noch seine Laterne zu halten. Oscar gab dem Spektakel 2 Minuten, dann schrie er.
Währenddessen hatte Ella ganz andere Probleme, denn ihre selbstgebastelte Laterne hatte nur noch ein "Bein". So richtig super konnte der Laternenumzug aber natürlich nur werden, wenn an dem grünen Kopf, den Ella da gebastelt hat, auch zwei Beine hingen. Mama also verließ kurzfristig den Fackelzug und fand tatsächlich im dunklen Park ein Bein. Das von Ellas Laterne. Ella glücklich. Oscar immer noch sauer. Mama durchaus of stress.

The lantern procession ended then, of course, just as end approximately 90% of the lantern parades in Germany: The parents were not only their children by the hand, but somehow the lights, because the children do not run after about 10 minutes lantern parade more with the lantern. God knows why.

Ella and Oscar went before it, for example, without a lantern, for it to run screaming through the dark park. Oscar came out here several times per minute, and his mother was standing somewhere near the scene and was now loaded with buggy Oscars, Oscars Blue Lantern and Green Lantern and Ella sang lantern songs. His parents-in some moments even absurd.

On Saturday, Ella grew up in the world of poets and thinkers. She enriched the aphorisms Treasury to the point at once, and simple sentence "can people not be separated, only eggs with which they responded to the finding of the Papas, he and neighbor Mick will separate tomorrow's guest performance by VfL Bochum in the stadium may .

"People can not be separated, only eggs" - a phrase that definitely has the potential for the formulation of a future revolution in Korea to rise. He was translating into Korean and print it on t-shirts.

provoked the wise aphorism of our daughter and our son to turn a statement because he had heard something.
Right - Ella, used but that one word there ... This word, which he knows and he can say. And so he pulled to the wise aphorism on the eyes and then he shouted it in the room - and for the parents then heard like that.
Ella (wisely): "People can not be separated, only eggs"
Oscar (loudly) "Eeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeer!"

On the same day, the parents were invited to a housewarming party. And since most new apartment on heart and kidney are tested by also inviting young children, including Ella and Oscar were on the guest list of the childless couple.
"Oh, you have a tiled floor. But this is pretty handy," praised the parents and as there were not evidence enough, Oscar only coughed a little, grew into it and vomited gushing onto the tiles.

still full of praise for the spotless tiled floor wiped Papa and Mama and the master of the house, the tiles again.
later saw Oscar told him that the living room is tiled and repeated the spectacle. Oscar, who - as was the assumption - rather than a sensitive stomach, a tin pail in himself, showed unexpected weakness stomachale that is now longer so gut shifted upward and the St. Martins Goose Dinner at Grandma restricted a little.

"The kids know best what they tolerate and what not, "prophesied Oscar's mother, whereupon Oscar made known by pointing a finger that he flirted with the powerful mousse au chocolat cake. Since the communication structure of our son currently no discussions of refused orders permitting, we gave the boy the cake - and lo and behold. After two bites, he pushed her aside and asked for dry cake