Als am vergangenen Sonntag der Blog schon längst getippt und der "Tatort" gesehen war, da hörte man es aus dem elterlichen Schlafzimmer genüsslich knuspern.
Mama schlich aus dem Wohnzimmer ins Arbeitszimmer, in welchem der Papa durchs Internet glitt und sprach, auf das Knuspern im Schlafzimmer deutend: "Sieh dir das an!"
Es war 23:30. Oscar saß Lebkuchen kauend auf dem Bett und war hoch zufrieden mit dieser Situation. Mama und Papa ließen ihn gewähren, warteten also noch ein paar Minuten, bis der Herr zu Ende gespeist hatte und legten sich dann mit Oscar ins Bett. Die Lebkuchen must now anyway at some point away. Oscar is absolutely right.
Just as on Sunday we will therefore first to third and later in the night, four people were asleep in bed, it is usually yes. And yet again the faint hope of relief in sight, as new structural reforms are beginning to show good sleep results.
Even at breakfast, there were similar changes: After a single breakfast the last 14 days expired on hampel be children umgeschmissene juice cup or requested and then ate bread arrangements, would provide parents with the way to breakfast in their children, have nothing more to do.
mom and dad were sitting on Saturday, therefore the living room table, reading newspaper, while Ella und Oscar am eigens eingerichteten Kindertisch ihr Frühstück in vorgefertigten Häppchen zu sich nahmen. Alle vier Familienmitglieder waren damit hochzufrieden. Ella erzählt nun bei jeder Mahlzeit vom neuen "Häppchen"-Stil, kann sich aber bislang das entscheinde Wort nicht merken. "Mama, gibt es dann wieder Mäpfchen?" Auch von Mämpfchen wurde schon gesprochen... Eigentlich ein sehr passender Begriff.
Nur unterbrochen von den in erstaunlich kurzen Abständen zu hörenden "Ma Teee" - Rufen Oscars, die Ella lautlich übernimmt und deshalb auch in Oscars seltsamer Sprache "Ma Tee" einfordert, waren die Frühstücke des Samstags und des Sonntags vielleicht die besten seit Ella Geburt.
"Ma Tea" is the way, "more juice." As Oscar's cup but only one third with "tea" (= juice) may be filled, because Oscar cups that have more content, fright umschmeißt and always shall be as thirsty son will be refilled but really quite common. We do not have to exaggerate, but per meal is about 12-15 pouring. When Ella realizes that parents find eternal topping up stupid, then they shall also - drinks only reluctantly takes on - go and simulated thirst. The result is that the parent who is, unfortunately, the "Ma tea-pot in your hands, this is not going so fast, because every 10 seconds of the children, "Ma Tee" shouts and eager to wag the dust-dry container.
On Saturday the family went to the zoo. And because Papa, a great friend of all-inclusive packages, equal to one year ticket for the family, bought after he found that the accompanying frown lines of the mother not long swell, because the family can now go so the mood takes you to the zoo , Papa and Ella were on Sunday the same again a few bon mots zoological (hippos, zebras, wolves) to catch up, you omitted the previous day.
day before was also there and Oscar Oscar is a passionate fan of elephants ("Kreua"). Oscar Pet leader reported So finally the family knowledgeable in the world of elephants. "Kreua! Kreua" Kreua, "he said, waving his arms and pointed excitedly at the stand behind him pachyderms. Be
previously photographed, however, had Oscar in order to create his own personal Zoo Annual Pass.
. Johnny Depp, "however, said Mama." Oscar looks like Johnny Depp in the 'Chocolate Factory' movie '. " Johnny Depp, his father saw, but now times in same film, unfortunately, like Mireille Mathieu, the Sparrow of Avignon. The hairdresser, the parents should compromise, make our Johnny Mathieu a Brad Pitt. We are anxious to see if Johnny Mathieu will allow.
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