The holiday season ended with a bang einem absolut bestaunenswerten Ereignis, das ein schwedisches Möbelhaus als "Knut" in die für jeden Spaß zu habende deutsche Bevölkerung brachte.
Eingeladen wurde eine Familie, die das Privileg, in einer Höhe von rund 10 Metern zu wohnen, nicht genießt. Die Familie reiste an, stellte die Kinder neben Ella und Oscar ans Fenster und sah zu, wie am Nachbarfenster der Vater von Ella und Oscar den Weihnachtsbaum in die Tiefe warf. Unten passte Mama auf, dass kein Passant vom herabstürzenden Ex-Weihnachtsbaum erschlagen wird.
Die Kinderschar war beeindruckt. Als Mama dann wieder nach oben kam, versuchte Oscar mit seinem erbärmlichen Wortschatz von der Ungeheuerlichkeit zu berichten. "Da... da...Baum." Ein Fingerdeut noch auf das Fenster, das musste reichen. Mama war informiert.
Man lud die besagte Gastfamilie an diesem Sonntag natürlich nicht nur ein, um gemeinsam "Knut" zu feiern, sondern um einem mitunter auch sehr anstrengenden Tag zu viert zu entgehen. Zunächst stand die Idee "Zoobesuch" im Raum, doch Ella, Königin der Faulheit, wollte keinen Ausflug machen. Selbst ein verzweifelt vorgeschlagener Spaziergang durch die Bergmannstraße war Ella zu viel und so bestellte man einfach eine weitere Familie in die Wohnung, um gemeinsam Kuchen zu essen und sich daran zu erfreuen, wie 4 Kinder miteinander spielen und die Erwachsenen einfach mal in Ruhe lassen.
Problem 1) The cake.
On the way to the bakery had dad still in control. Ella and Oscar with trudged, hopped through the puddles and were in good spirits. The friendly baker gave Dad two bags full of cookies and a gift for the children. Thus began the evil.
Since Oscar was too small to be noticed by the baker, she gave the attending total Familienmitgleidern a mini pastries. Ella was already in the door, Dad took the mini pastries such.
Oscar instinctively saw the pastry so as a lion, a zebra herd seen. Oscar's hand snapped up. Papa, of the two bags full of cakes and mini pastries was already overextended, was happy with the customer. Ella shouted not wrong to conclude that it constitutes but for their pastries, including the friendly baker looked so into her eyes because she could not ever see Oscar, full of hunger, stood before the counter.
dad solved the problem by sharing the cake. Oddly broke then from a child in tears, but Ella presented without shouting down only briefly, "Oh, apple filling - I do not like," why Oscar ran now with half a mini apple turnover starmmen step on the red light, while Papa Ella a was cake bag for carrying and ran after with another cake and half a bag dripping apple bag to the son.
green as it was, succeeded his father not to conduct Oscar's hand, but the fact that Oscar looked sadly deprived of his freedom as a pedestrian, so he walked slowly and provocatively tore across the street.
Dad grabbed the apple bag hand for his son, pulled him across the street. Oscar was sour. Oscar finally reached the other side of the street, where he raised his arm to his throat: He blocked the gehandicapten father, so this was still on the road. Only after agonizingly long seconds, it was the Father, the diaper butt of his son so far as to push forward so that he could go back to the sidewalk. It is probably unnecessary to mention that Oscar screamed the rest of the way of kicking legs and his father several times every second in the
then there was celebrated Knut.
Problem 2) Affectionate
children in the nursery hell broke loose. The wooden railway was built, the trampoline was ready, pens and paper were available in abundance. Only the children were missing. All went and pulled up the adults who talked boldly on. It is the routine of young parents, who even at the most degrading conditions can still make calls. It would have been the afternoon amid a chimpanzee cage probably been through.
Moreover, it is especially Ella, tending lately to increased attachment. So much so, that Ella's dad can do a step without the Ella him like a shadow follows. Here and there they also like hanging on the arms or legs of the parents.
On Saturday, Ellas Craft Station Moppe "painted.
Moppe is - like the hard Knut - the birth of a Swedish furniture store, but now no longer for sale. Sun Ella was left to rule over a long-standing family-owned mop. Moppe - so the parents offer - should be painted.
Ella and Dad came for The paints and attacked it vigorously for a variety, which made Mama angry. And yes - temporarily knew Ella and Dad not know if they would ever get their hands clean again. Ella learned a lot this afternoon, for example, what is alcohol.
Oscar learned that an extensive protective film is not a gymnastics mat. When Oscar saw the
namely about 0.05 mm thick film, as he pounced on it with joy and was in the truest sense of the word shocked that the film does not significantly slowed his fall.
Ella - to completion - has once again achieved great things: they could be betrayed by mom how to write "Year", took a leaf and wrote incredible pace out the following: "Nojnjahr 2011" - the present primary school teacher confirmed that their fourth graders were the words "New Year" write something like this ...
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