The fate be boring
On Friday afternoon, it was then time really complicated. And who was at fault? Well, we agree to the sun. The fact
roared on Friday and had to climb and the temperatures at 5 ° C astronomical. Now that's not the weather, when the Berlin Wannsee beach runs to, but he had to get out. Somewhere, the main thing out. Forget
was with all the sunshine that the family calendar contained an entry for the Friday, after Ella to go with Mom to the puppet theater ("Pippi Longstocking") and Oscar and Granny to the children's Cafe. Grandma certainly was good on the way to her babysitting job when Ella and Oscar were asked by their parents, "Will take your bike?"
Ein allgemeines Hüpfen und Jubeln brach aus. Und als dann vor der Haustür auch noch ein größeres Kinderrad auf Ella wartete ("Huch Ella, was steht da denn?"), und Oscar aufgeregt auf den Kindersitz an Mamas Rad deutete und "Oscar da!" skandierte, da war eigentlich alles super.
Und dann kam Oma. Der gebuchte Babystitter. Einmal ungestört mit Oscar zu zweit, das war Omas Wunsch. Ella und Mama sollten ja im Theater sein.
Das Problem konnte letztlich nicht gelöst werden. Oscar, ein großer Oma-Fan, sah sich der schweren Entscheidung Fahrrad oder Oma ausgesetzt, positionierte sich aber eindeutig, indem er auf die Frage "Willst du mit Oma ins Kindercafe gehen" unfassbarer Weise den Kopf shook, so Grandma went back home, not without stressing about five times that it's all no more was bad ...
Ella came along well without big drops with the new bike and to facilitate the parents now know very well, as it has with steep trails in Victoria Park deal. You brake that is not screaming and rushing gene Valley, as it was almost 2 years of the case. That Oscar for cycling actually great fun, the love, the reader believe us a try.
The photo looks like Oscar namely that he must serve in the bicycle seat is a terrible punishment.
Papas theory reduces the Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ein Unfall eintritt, in dem Augenblick, indem man den Unfall in Aussicht stellt, ihn also besorgt anspricht. So hat Papa schon vor Monaten erläutert, dass er damit rechne, dass er mit dem Ehering an einer dafür gut geeigneten Stelle der Wohnungstür hängen bleiben werde, während er selbige zuschlägt. Ein abgerissener Finger würde die Folge sein. Und siehe: Bis heute ist das Unglück nicht passiert.
Höchste Zeit also, ein ebenso wahrscheinliches Unglücksszenario bezüglich des Sprosses der Familie zu thematisieren:
Oscar steht kurz vor einem Mittelfußbruch. Schuld ist Ferrero.
Seit kurzem nämlich hat Oscar die ernährungstechnisch wichtige Stufe vom Nutella-Freund zum Nutella-Fanatiker erklommen. Ein Frühstücks- und leider auch Abendbrottisch ohne Nutella ist aus Oscars Sicht ein leerer Tisch, ein dummes Holzmöbel ohne kulinarischen Wert.
Und da Papa seit jeher ähnlich denkt, kauft die Frau des Hauses Augen rollend immer das extragroße Nutella-Glas, weil sich das aufs Gramm heruntergerechnet (oder in unserem Fall besser aufs Kilo hochgerechnet) irgendwie lohnt. Dieses extragroße und furchtbar schwere Nutellaglas befindet sich in unserer Küche in einer Höhe von etwa 50 cm.
Decken Ella und Oscar also den Tisch, was in letzter Zeit gerne mal passiert, dann kümmert sich Oscar (im Übrigen meist unbeschuht) natürlich first of all to the most important element of his breakfast or supper. This element, it then transmits puffing on the table and it will go to the end of the day in the hospital, covered in the Oscar this glass can be.
The solution sounds simple and yet complicated. Mom and Dad should please ensure that the Nutella-glass changes its location.
we try to implement this straight. How hard is that everyone wants can try it by myself, as he purports to deposit his toothpaste from now on to a completely different place in the bathroom. It just does not always.
addition, Oscar's food drive is so strong that he deals with various build furniture pieces a stairway to higher standing Nutella glass, if he knows the new location. And then the danger of the broken foot would be much larger.
We believe so simply because now - where the accident is outlined - the same will not happen, because fate and chance are usually bored with things, that is expected.
The weekend was a blast. The Zoo was celebrated in the hippo house carnival. While the hippos whether the child masses into her house finally not blunt the circle swimming, but on a stone island a real hippo-performance, so with father-mother-child-fuss, withdrew because turned the crowd of children to them back. For one waiting to be painted.
some point, after about 45 minutes, then turn and was Ella had to make up a horse's head. Oscar stared at Ella. Short surprise. Then Oscar and the horse got a candy.
guest appearances on Sunday the family at a birthday celebration at a restaurant in Mitte, which is quite attractive to children. Ella was allowed to bake a pizza that is myself and gained in the kitchen of the restaurant and even long after the common meal of pizza with his parents and brother, the state's biggest triumph.
Finally this: Although this blog is now already as long as Ella exists, namely more than four and a half Years, and although not everything went smoothly, we came so far around the following words: treacherous, vicious, ruthless.
But now it is so over. For if small, innocent, love guys who are being pushed by the mother towards Schalke 04 and VfL Bochum in the direction of Papa, but in Berlin - and this is for later socialization of increased importance - all are necessarily available to Tennis Borussia when these cute boys are grown in the nursery of a governess, who cheerfully sings this "Iron Union! Eisern Union!" and when these cute boys conceived by people with dignity, then to laugh and jump, then we find the Perdide, infamous and nefarious.