05/03/2010 Annual General Meeting of the Horticultural Society Oberried
was the inn Geiger Oberried the chairman of the Horticultural Society Rita Hödl 57 welcome 147 members warmly, as the guests of honor district association president Rita Röhrl from Teisnach and Mayor John Weininger . For each action of the Horticultural Society in the past year there was a tulip, the end it was a large bouquet of 35 tulips.
A preview of the upcoming club year were Chairman Rita Hödl. Planned are all recurring events garlands as tying for the Easter well, working in the district teaching garden, maypole setting up and connecting garden party with raffle, participation in the Corpus Christi procession and church procession to church festival, visit Santa Claus and Christmas based Weil.
The club outing goes Abensberg with a visit to the Hundertwasser tower "and a brewery, afternoon visit to a farm asparagus. Autumn is still scheduled a craft course.
Another item on the agenda were honors. Especially honored were 13 founding members present with a lapel pin and certificate, especially the first chairman of the association Monika Schmid Berger. There were no other certificates of honor it for a number of members for 15-year membership.
Hödl woman thanked the club members for their hard work and expressed the hope that many members participate again in the campaign.