Thursday, February 12, 2009

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annual meeting on Friday 6 March 2009 at 19:30 clock in the guest house Geiger Oberried

first Welcome by the first Board
second Commemorate deceased
third Report of the Secretary
4th Financial report
5th Report of the Auditors
6th Report of the Board
7th Elections of the managing committee
8th Greeting the guests of honor
9th Lecture by Anne Marie Kopp on "herbs"
10th Needs and requests

changes in the agenda are possible

thanked the organization leadership for the good cooperation during the past year and wishes the same club a successful 2009

Rita Hödl - 1 Chairman Max Vogel - Secretary

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

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Über unsere Entstehung :

The horticulture club top Unterried on 7 October 1993 initiative by Monika Schmid Berger founded in Oberried.

1993-2001: Monika Schmid Berger, Oberried
2001 to 2005: Marlene Stroh Meier, Unterried
from 2005: Rita Hödl, Drachselsried

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Welche Ziele verfolgt unser Verein laut Satzung :

We want as part of the fruit and horticulture promotion land conservation and environmental protection, promote and contribute to the preservation of a beautiful landscape. The association also wants to also promote the beautification of the individual place images in our community.

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Einige Beispiele aus unserer Arbeit :

planting and maintenance of traffic islands in the community.

planting and maintenance the village greens in Drachselsried and Oberried

dispensing herbal bouquets of herbs consecration to "Name of Mary "

Schmücken des Dorfbrunnen in Drachselsried und Oberried zum Osterfest.

Weihe des vom Gartenbauverein geschmückten Dorfbrunnens in Drachselsried an Ostern 2008

Offene Gartentür bei Vereinsmitgliedern im Jahre 2008

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Verehrte Gartenfreunde, was bietet ihnen unser Verein :

The teaching of practical and theoretical knowledge about the home garden by cutting courses, lectures, field trips, and not least by organizing "days of the open garden door" so much insight be provided in other gardens.

advice on garden design by professionals. The disposal of the club's outdoor power scarifier hackers and provide to its members. Placement of informative association magazine "Practical Gardening Guide."

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Unser nächster Programmpunkt :

AGM with elections in Inn Theo Geiger Oberried with presentation of our member, herbal educator Marianne Kopp, on Friday, 6th March 2009

We currently have 135 members of the association, it would be advantageous for our work if we could increase this number.

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Werden daher also a member with us!

The annual fee is currently € 15.00

Of this, the National Association € 1.68
at the District Association € 0.26
at the district chapter € 0.87
, and our local chapter € 2.99
For the Garden Guide to the National Association
€ 9.20

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Chair: Rita Hödl
Tel 09945/2417 Fax - Email: Rita Hödl

Deputy Chairman: Traudl Selva
Tel 09945/2016 - Email: Traudl Selva